Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

The screams were agonizing. Ron was next to Harry holding his ears, tears rolling down his eyes as Hermione and Luna's wails could be heard in the dungeons of Malfoy Manor. Harry however didn't want to block out the screams. It was driving his brain into overdrive; there had to be something he could do. The adrenaline caused by panic was coursing through his body. Desperately he reached back into his pocket where he had left the two-way mirror. He had tried calling out when they had first been captured, but there was no luck to be had. Turning the mirror in his hand he cried out for help again, but it seemed no one would answer his call.

Familiar blue eyes finally appeared in the mirror, and the young man nearly collapsed in relief, "Please, help us! We are at Malfoy Manor. Please!"

In a matter of moments Dobby, the House Elf, appeared in the room with Harry and he offered the man a wide smile, "Harry Potter!"

With Dobby's help, escaping the dungeons was no problem. It was when they made it back to the living room area that they ran into their problems. With no wand, there was practically no hope of overwhelming Bellatrix, Lucius, Narcissa, Peter, and Draco.

Harry saw Bellatrix on top of Hermione with a knife carving something into her arm, and something inside of him snapped. Ron seemed to be of the same state of mind when Lucius cast the cruciatus curse on Luna. With a snap of Dobby's fingers, Lucius Malfoy lost his wand sending it in the air toward Ron, "You shall not harm Harry Potter's friends!"

With a flick of Harry's wrist, he hit Draco with a wall of magic that sent the boy flying backward, and his wand fell to the floor. Harry dove forward into a roll to retrieve the wand, and shielded spells from Bellatrix and Narcissa at the same time. Ron immediately sought to engage with Peter, and Harry made quick work of Narcissa as he collapsed her with a bone-splintering hex to the knee. Harry then engaged in a heated battle with Bellatrix as Ron dismantled Peter with the cruciatus curse. Harry was surprised by the man's screams, but Bellatrix was not as she laughed maniacally as Ron turned to help Harry tip the odds in their favor.

The fight had not been going well from the start, and with Bellatrix constantly slipping killing curses into the action it was becoming more difficult to protect the injured witches. Chancing a glance at his downed friends he saw that Hermione was trying to drag Luna to safety, but the girl was mostly dead weight as she trembled and sobbed. Trying to find them an escape route Harry shouted, "Dobby get us out of here!"

The commotion had attracted the attention of other Death Eaters in the house though, and Harry knew they were in trouble when a pair of wizards entered the room flinging green curses around, causing Hermione to drop Luna and fall towards Ron who was desperately trying to protect them with transfigured debris. The reinforcements seemed to spur on Bellatrix, and her wand was a blur as Harry struggled to keep up with her.

With a pop, Harry knew Dobby had taken Ron and Hermione. The searing pain in his scar also told him the Dark Lord was on his way. Moving towards Luna, Harry moved to help the girl, but hexes were flying towards him so fast he knew his final stand was coming, and in a panic, he raised the largest shield charm of his life. The display of power caused a brief pause and Harry heard Luna call out softly to him, "Harry, please."

Dobby had returned in the knick of time, and Harry reached for Luna to finalize their escape, but it was not meant to be. A green spell hit the fallen girl in the chest, and her blue eyes went lifeless as they looked up at him with hope drained from her life. Harry turned in agony to see the triumphant face of Lucius Malfoy. Someone had given him an extra wand, and he wasn't going to allow Harry to escape with his friend's life. Luna's lifeless eyes crushed him as he screamed with rage throwing his wand forward destroying most of the room in his anger.

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