Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Getting his spot on the Slytherin Quidditch Team was easier than expected. Harry waited to catch Regulus at breakfast in front of the entirety of Slytherin house, and in front of Professor Slughorn himself as he walked by. He told him his broom situation was taken care of, and before the youngest Black could respond Professor Slughorn was clapping his hands in delight saying how excited he was at the talent Slytherin house held this year. Needless to say, Regulus had little choice but to accept Harry's position on the team.

Harry was grateful James had kept his word about not saying anything to anyone about it. He was more than a little embarrassed about how he handled the whole thing, and was grateful when a much newer cleansweep was delivered by James personally one evening after classes ended. The two discussed an upcoming training session, but he wanted to keep it between them at first. He was open to Sirius and the others joining, but Harry wanted a chance to also teach James some of the Potter family magic he had learned over the summer, something James latched onto in a heartbeat. The end of September was rapidly approaching, however, and James only asked that they wait until the first Quidditch match was finished. After all, as Head Boy and Quiddich Captain, his schedule was quite packed, something Harry easily accepted in stride.

The next few weeks of school passed in a hurry. The older Slytherins had not attempted to bother Harry, which was a welcome change. He wondered if it was due to his warning of a possible blood feud or his status on the Quidditch team. He knew that Fleamont had warned the Wizengamot of what would happen if another member of his house came under attack in any situation, and ever since even the snide comments had died down in the common room.

Harry and Elaina had continued training on nights when there was a dueling club session in the castle. The girl was truly a magical marvel. She picked up on things Harry taught her with incredible speed, and he could imagine what she would've been capable of had someone like his father been teaching her since birth. He had to admit that the more time they spent together, the more he believed the girl had dabbled into ritualistic magic. His mother was right, her talent did not seem to be natural.

Elaina was progressing magically at a rate faster than he would have believed possible. She was becoming a phenomenal training partner for him, and seemed to become much better every passing week.

Harry and Lily were also getting along well. She continued to impress him with her knowledge in charms as she carried on through the year, but what he really enjoyed was teaching the girl the basics of warding. Lily had confronted him one day and asked if they could work on some stuff in the library together, and when they arrived at their study spot she had a list of basic wards that she was certain he could cast, and demanded that he teach her. Not wanting to deprive himself of a chance to get to know the girl better he accepted without question. Something that seemed to bother Marlene to no end.

It was mid-October when the second Hogsmeade weekend had arrived at the castle. Harry knew he owed it to Marlene to give her a proper public date this time, so he made sure to make a small spectacle of giving the girl a flower in the hall while asking her to accompany him to Hogsmeade. To no one's surprise, Marlene accepted, but perhaps to everyone's surprise he planted a soft kiss on her cheek and returned to the Slytherin table as though nothing had happened.

He was questioned by Andi and Pandora extensively, but he merely smiled at them saying it was a long time coming. When asked if they were planning another group outing he had the foresight to say that this was going to be a date with Marlene, and they might join everyone at the Three Broomsticks that evening. Some mistakes you don't have to make twice, Harry thought with a chuckle.

Dear Mum and Dad,

Marlene McKinnon and I are going on a date to Hogsmeade this weekend. She is from a good family, and I admit this is a long time coming. I will tell you both all about how I botched my first chance with her over Halloween, but I am grateful she is giving me another chance. Despite the occasion, I am really looking forward to being home at Potter Manor on Halloween, and spending the day with the two of you, my family. I miss you both terribly, and wish we could just have another day at the Three Broomsticks with my friends and catch up. Maybe next month?

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