Dreams of Home Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Fiercely, Harry swirled his wand around in circles fighting off Antonin Dolohov with everything he had. Admittedly the man was crafty and powerful, but Harry was more than a match for the man now.

An unknown Death Eater tried to get involved in the fight to tip the scales, but Harry eviscerated the man before the slightest difference could be made. Dolohov grimaced at the sight, and Harry pressed the man even harder.

Slipping past a killing curse, Harry did a complete spin, and launched a blaster so fast that Dolohov was tossed backwards wounded, but not down for the count. The teen intended to finish the job, but a scream brought him up short.

His eyes drifted behind him preparing for another fight, but the sight took all the wind out of his sails. Ginny was lying on the ground cradling the body of a familiar blonde boy that had a surprised lifeless expression on his face. The face of Colin Creevey seared itself into Harry's brain.

"No." Harry whispered in devastation. The boy had been too young to be a part of this fight. McGonagall had told everyone under the age of seventeen to leave, but the stupid, brave Gryffindor sixth year didn't listen.

A rage flared so hot through his body that Harry's wand was producing sparks as he turned to Dolohov who was struggling back to his feet. Giving the man no time, Harry roared out, "Crucio!"

Unlike the previous time when Harry had tried to use the spell on Bellatrix, this time the spell worked. The man screamed in agony, causing many heads to jerk his way, but Harry was on the man in a flash, beating his face repeatedly with his fist. A Death Eater moved forward to engage Harry, but he blasted a hole through the man's chest with a gouging charm before he took more than a step. By the time he returned to continue pounding Dolohov, the light in the man's eyes was already gone, and his face was nothing but a bloody mess.

Harry released the man, and a cold feeling settled in his stomach as he caught the lull in the battle where many were staring at him. The moment was halted by the screeching of creatures coming over a nearby ridge. Acromantulas. Dozens of them. Harry growled in frustration, and began casting powerful elemental curses into their numbers, and fell back into the zone of battle as quickly as he had fallen out of it.


"We need to talk to him, Charlus." Dorea said with a worried tone as she watched Harry put in the final few laps of his morning run, clearly struggling more than usual.

Charlus frowned as he could make out the dark circles under his son's eyes, "I could see it on his face this morning. I thought about raising the topic, but I don't want him to close up on us. We will need to earn his trust."

"We took him in, Charlus." Dorea protested, "I know it may seem like an obvious decision for us, but I get the feeling Harry was more than prepared for us to turn him away. Almost as if he expected it."

"What did you sense from him this morning?" Charlus asked cautiously, feeling a little guilty about prying into the boy's emotional state.

"Pain, Charlus. Immense pain and regret. Whatever he saw in his sleep last night could not have been good." Dorea said, trying to keep her expression straight as Harry would occasionally glance over towards them. She did not wish to make the boy uncomfortable with personal questions.

Thinking for a long moment Charlus sighed, "We need to give him sometime. Dory, the boy died in his time. Everyone he knew was killed. He probably saw some of his closest friends, who were just children themselves, get murdered in horrific ways. If we push him to confide in us before he is ready he will clam up."

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