Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Harry had to go by Gringotts before he dared to attempt his trip to Potter Manor. It was there he confirmed that he was still a Potter by blood, and that he would indeed be able to cross the wards of Potter Manor. Thankfully Fleamont, who was currently the head of the family, allowed any Potter of age to have access to the family vaults. This gave Harry the slightest insurance policy which meant in the worst-case scenario Harry could grab some galleons and run if it became necessary.

When Harry apparated onto the grounds his breath was momentarily taken away. The house was beautiful. It was a little ostentatious for his usual taste, but the grounds were huge. Flower gardens that could rival many botanical gardens in the muggle world could be seen, and a white marble house was intrinsically designed before him. He briefly wondered what it would have been like to grow up here, because he was sure that while this house could rival Malfoy Manor in size this home would feel much cozier.

Already on guard and on the lookout for this possible guardian that Fleamont spoke of, Harry began making his way toward the house. He didn't make it far before he heard a loud CAW in the distance. Harry spun around, looking to the sky, and saw a massive winged creature that had the body, tail, and back legs of a lion, and the head and wings of an eagle.

The creature looked incredibly beautiful and Harry felt that he was about to get a close encounter with his family's guardian, which was clearly the mythical Griffin. As far as the young man was concerned, before today, Griffins did not exist. Hagrid had never spoken of them, and he had never seen one in all his years, but he was in no way surprised to find out such a mighty creature existed.

Whatever the deal was with this creature, it seemed to have no interest in attacking Harry for now, and that was a very good thing by the looks of the massive creature. Suddenly a voice came from behind him and Harry was forced to turn around again and deflect an incoming stunning spell that was uncanny in its speed, "Who are you? How did you get past the wards, and what did you do to Halo?"

Harry immediately held his hands up in surrender, "My name is Harry James Potter please do not kill me!"

The man looked bewildered at his explanation, "Lies, there is no Harry James Potter in this family."

Harry looked the man in the eyes, "We look alike, I got through the wards, and for whatever reason, our family guardian is not attacking me. That has to mean something. Your brother Fleamont sent me."

The imposing figure seemed to think for a moment, but shook his head, "I haven't spoken to my brother in a while, but I definitely would have remembered him telling me about another son, or a new relative popping up. You must be some sort of imposter, and I will kill you where you stand if you don't tell me how you got on this property."

Trying to think of something quickly Harry said, "I think I have an item that can convince you, but I have to reach inside my necklace and get it. Will you lower your wand while I do this?"

The man shook his head, "You're in no position to make that request. You come to my family's ancestral home uninvited, and currently unwelcome, and if you think I am lowering my wand then you are not just a fool, but an idiot as well."

Harry winced at this, but nodded. He reached into the necklace and pulled it off his neck as he fished around looking for the soft familiar material. When he found it, he slowly pulled it out, and the man's wand lowered, but only for a moment. Then rage entered the man's eyes and he knew he was in trouble, "You stole that cloak from my nephew? I knew Fleamont should never have trusted the boy with such a powerful magical artifact. Give it to me at once."

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