The Pain

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Iniya stayed in her room, burying herself in tears. She is worried! She could not stop those tears that is flowing out of her control. She knew Veer. She had known him since he was a little boy. She remembered precisely when the gap between Rudran and her started. He left her to take care of Veer. The first time she saw Veer in her house, his mannerisms and attitude resembled Rudran in more than one ways and that was the main reason that she hated him.  

She is not worried for Thamizhini, she is happy with Vishnu. With all the meetings Iniya had with Vishnu ever since these wedding talks started, he has impressed her immensely. She knew her daughter’s life with Vishnu is going to be a happily ever after. 

She is not worried for Magizhini because she is keeping a close tab on Veer. He is not worked up which only means that he knows where Magizhini is. She will be safe under his eyes. She has seen his love for Magizhini in his eyes. She has seen the changes in Magizhini in the two years she had known Veer! She realized Magizhini’s happiness relies in him. That is the only reason she agreed to this wedding even though she hates him and his uncle in every fibre of her being. She trusts his love and believes that love will bring back Magizhini safely.

Her worry now is only for Rudran and her eyes never stop pouring. She locked herself in her room and refused to eat or talk to Ramachandran. She is angry with Rudran, she doesn't want to see him, and she wants to strangle him to death for everything he had done to her but she couldn't stay away from him knowing that he is on his deathbed. All her heart wants is to run to him and be with him. She’s restraining herself from doing what her heart wants all her life. But she managed to do that knowing that Rudran is living somewhere. She couldn't hold her back anymore now! 

“Iniya, please, I am scared for you. Don't be like this. It all reminds me of those days when you starved to death to kill the baby in your stomach. I cannot see you like that, Iniya. Open the door. Eat something.” Ramachandran was knocking on the door.

“Why, mama? Why did you do it? Why did you tell Magi about Rudran? You should have let me know that Magi knows who her father is. I would have talked to her. I would have told her what exactly happened. Now look what she has done.” Iniya screamed from inside. 


Ramachandran didn't tell Iniya that he had talked to Magizhini about her dad. He didn't want to bring up Rudran to Iniya. When Magizhini joined college, Iniya felt relieved at first. But as days passed, she felt a void in her heart, the same feeling when Rudran left her. Her heart wanted Magizhini. 

‘Why? To hurt her more?’ her conscience spat at her. That was when Iniya understood one thing. She had been using Magizhini as a drain for her feelings and emotions. All the anger on Rudran dawned upon his daughter. The anger that he left her, that he misunderstood her, that he didn't trust her love, that he hurt her, that he pushed her away from his life without letting her tell her side of the story has made her heart a rock. 

The rock-hard heart that was a result of her love leaving her has become blood and flesh when his blood left her. Iniya waited for Magizhini’s semester leave. She didn't want to change the way of behavior with Magizhini all of a sudden as she didn't want to raise any suspicion and that stopped her from calling her daughter. She might have done that if she had known that would have stopped everything that is happening right now.

Poor her, she didn't know that Magizhini knew that she was her daughter and her father was Rudran Varman. She didn't want to let her know about her dad whatsoever because she wanted to protect her daughter. But when the semester leaves passed on with only Thamizhini visiting their home, Iniya asked about that to Ram. 

“Why didn't she come home?”

“She said she didn't want to hurt you more by being in your vicinity.”

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