Hmmm, Irresistible

180 32 7

Vishnu woke up early in the morning. It was a disturbed sleep for him. With her in his arms, with so much confusion about her behavior in his heart, sleep was a distant fruit. He saw his new wife sleeping peacefully in his arms. 

“In your heart, in your arms is the safest place for me in this whole wide world, Vish! My days should start with your charming smile and retire in your arms. That would be heaven! That is my destiny!” 

He remembered what she told him once when they were hugging each other in his office room. It has always strictly been his professional space until she accepted his proposal. But then it became his personal room. Their love didn't stop with their eyes! It was more intimate. Though she would stop him when his hands try to explore her more womanly parts, she would allow him to taste a little of what she had in store. He would always be left wanting more from her. His state would be of a bee fallen in nectar. 

He kissed her forehead with so much love without disturbing her sleep and pulled his hand out from underneath her head. He placed her on her pillow and went to the restroom to refresh himself for the day. As soon as he locked the door, Thamizh opened her eyes. Her eyes were teared up and ready to shed. His love has melted her heart as usual. She looked out the window while still in bed. It was still dark out. She reached for her phone on the side table and looked for the time. It said 5 AM. 

Vishnu went to his gym after his morning routine. Thamizh went into the restroom after he left the room. He didn't even spare a look at her even though he knew she was awake. His negligence didn't fail to stab her heart. She took a bath and came out of their room, this mansion was so huge that she feared she might get lost if she went in the wrong direction. She started to walk back and forth in front of their room. 

“Good morning, madam,” a servant maid greeted her. She came with a maid’s trolley. 

“Good morning,” Thamizh greeted her back with a mild smile but the servant took aback! No one here has the courage to raise their head to Veer, so they didn't know what his response was to their morning wish. Vishnu would just nod his head as he passes by if they wish him but no one has wished them back in this house, that too with a smile!

“Shall I clean the room, madam?”

“Yes! Um, where is the kitchen?”

“In the ground floor, madam. Just inform the kitchen that you are awake through the intercom, madam. They will bring everything you need here,” the maid gave her the information she needed and went on with her work. 

‘This mansion works just the way their hotels work! What is the difference between their hotels and home?’ Thamizhini thought to herself and walked towards the elevator to go to the ground floor. She walked out of the elevator that opened to the right side of the huge hall. A maid was cleaning the floor and she didn't know where the kitchen is.

“Mkum, hi!” she tried to attract the attention of her.

“Go… good morning, madam. How can I help you?” the maid stuttered.

“Good morning, where is the kitchen?” She asked her with a mild smile.

“Go to the left hallway. Take right before the dead end. You will see the kitchen. There is a huge backyard with a volleyball court and a swimming pool. You can exit the house to the backyard through the second door from the kitchen.”

“Oh, thanks!” 

“Um, madam! You can call through the intercom if you need anything. Press number 6 to the kitchen.”

“Thank you,” Thamizhini told the lady and walked in the direction she was told. The maid looked in the direction where Thamizhini disappeared in extreme fear. Veer doesn't like anyone going in the kitchen except for his personally appointed chefs and helpers. 

My Heart Slips Away With You! Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora