Her First Meet???

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Magizhini is a beautiful wheatish toned girl with big wide eyes and thick long lashes that touches her eyebrows while opened and touches her cheek while closed. Her eyebrows are naturally thick and long that borders her beautiful eyes. Her small forehead and sharp nose add elegance to her pretty face but the stirking feature on her face were those plump pink lips. Her lower lip slightly thicker than her upper lip covering her pearl-like teeth. She was a little over 5’4” and her thick hair that was cropped until her mid-back is always tied in a pony tail with fragments of hair framing her pretty face. She was under nourished for the most part of her life, unhealthily lean for her age. But for the past two years, she was given all the love and care in the world and that has made her healthily plump! She has the right amount of flesh in all the places making her a very eye-catchy woman. All the credit should go to HIM!  

Magizhini shook her head dismissing his thoughts. She was on a train to Delhi, she then has to take a bus to reach her destination, Kathmandu, Nepal. She was determined to move as far away as she could from the monstrous man she has ever met. She is fleeing away from her wedding. She thinks she can outsmart him but can she?

No matter how hard she tried, she could not stop this feeling of her heart slipping away with him for every second she is moving away from him. Her eyes made tears without her consent. She does not want to cry now. She had accomplished what she had planned without wobbling. She has to rejoice in her victory now. But no, she is feeling lost and empty. 

‘Why!? Why am I feeling like this? It was all an act. I didn't love him.’ She told herself.

‘All an act, is it? He made you feel special! He treated you like a princess. He showed you all the love that you have missed from your mom and dad. He filled your empty heart with warmth. I am your heart, don’t try to fool me. You have fallen head over heels for him the very first time you met him! You fell for his charms! The moment you think of him, your body heats up in need! He is the only man who have woken up your womanly feeling. You will die a virgin if you miss him!’ Her heart mocked her.

‘Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! I am not desperate for him. I didn't give into those stupid feelings. I left him!’

‘Did you? Then why are you playing a melancholy now?’

‘Huh, it is because of him that I lost my parents’ love.’

‘Is it?’ It pricked her heart at that question. He has done nothing but to love her dearly. He became a scapegoat in her plan. She has stabbed his heart from behind to reach her goal. 

‘He is a beast. He is not a good man.’ She told the same thing that she had been telling for a long time now to keep her guilt at bay.

‘Maybe! But he is your prince charming.’

‘He is a cold-blooded killer. He has no empathy. He is…’

‘You are in love with him. His blood-drenched hands didn't stop you.’ Her conscience showed her true feelings to her. This is not the first time she's been aware of the fact that she has fallen head over heels for a killer. She has known it for a very long time now. But she is not ready to give in to her feelings. She had a far more important agenda in her life that she thinks she had accomplished successfully. She closed her eyes tight to shut down her conscience. But her closed eyes showed her prince charming! The first time that she met him!


Thamizhini and Magizhini are sisters. They live in Bangalore while their parents live in Coimbatore. Thamizhini is a 21 years old girl who has finished her under graduation in hotel management and has joined as a training-receptionist at Varma Hotel. Magizhini is a 20 years old girl who is in her second year B.Tech Information Technology. Magizhini stays in her college hostel and Thamizhini stays in a working women’s hostel. They meet each other on the weekends.

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