Hasty Actions

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Thamizhini feared Vishnu’s determination. The warning in his voice the last time he talked to her, made her stomach twist in fear. She has confessed her heart to him and there is nothing that would stop him now. Even though she forbids those thoughts, her dreams and imaginations were completely occupied by him. They had three kids looking just like him in her imaginary world. 

‘Can you marry someone else after everything is over?’ Her conscience asked her. She knew the answer! ‘Love him back, marry him! Magizhini is a different person. You have already given her everything that was yours. Why would you sacrifice your love for her? She can take care of herself. Just lend some help and live your life for you.’ It advised her. 

When she was ready to go by her instincts, another fear caught to her. Her mom! She was a very strict mom. She has always deemed ‘love’ inappropriate and a sin. She has never allowed them to be friends with boys and if she ever saw them talking to a boy she would go all ‘mama-bear’ on them.

“I would not even hesitate to kill you if you ever fall in love. I am your mother and I know how to make your life prosper. Don't trust boys ever. If they ever tell you that they love you, that only means that they need something from you. Boys wouldn't think for a second before spilling words and breaking your heart. Don't be a fool, Thamizh,” Iniya would yell at Thamizhini which was etched deep in her heart. The conviction that her mother told her with, she knew ‘love’ is not welcomed in her home. 

From then on, both Thamizhini and Magizhini kept their distance from the boys. Even though she thought Vishnu’s love was too shallow and lacked reason, she has an indescribable attraction towards Vishnu. She’s ready to do anything to be with him. But she is not ready to deny that one thing her mom told her. It seemed very logical to her. Why would anyone pour love without expecting anything in return? She tried to find that hidden agenda behind Vishnu’s love for her but she could not find anything except his pure love. His threat reminded her mother’s words. 

‘Boys wouldn’t think before spilling words and breaking your heart!’ 

If Vishnu can make her his wife without her acceptance, what does it mean? Plain and simple, he doesn't care about what she wants but he cares about his wants! Where is love in that? But again, she is in mad love with him. If Vishnu can talk to her parents and make it an arranged marriage, she thought that would be great. That way she wouldn't have to disobey her mom’s words and she would still get to be his wife. After the end of two days Vishnu gave her, she went to his room to tell him her decision.

“Vishnu, come and talk to my parents. Don't tell them that we are in love with each other. Just tell them that you like me and want to marry me. I am sure my mom and dad would be happy to marry me to you. Please, my mom is completely against love and she would not agree to this marriage if you mention ‘love’.” She rehearsed her lines in front of the restroom mirror before going into his room. Satisfied with the words she chose, she went to his room. Before she could knock on the door, she heard him talk on the phone standing very close to the door. Her hand stopped mid-air.

“Finish him off. I should have killed him that day when he tried to run away with the evidence. I had to give him to Ro to make sure Mini was alright.” Thamizhini heard him talk to someone on the phone. 

‘Kill him’

‘Finish him!’ 

Those words kept echoing in her ears. Chills ran down her spine as realization kicked in. When seeing Vishnu, she could not even imagine anything other than his charm and smile. She could not believe that he is capable of killing someone. Her rational thoughts stopped her from knocking on the door. She went back the way she came from without making a stir. 

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