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I woke up finding myself alone on the bed ,Xel was gone and she had left her phone behind. Where did this bitch run off to this early.I made myself something to eat thank God Britt's roommate was never in .

Fours hours later Xel come back she looked very tired and went straight to take a bath after she was done she come back to the room.

"Where were you?"

"Don't start with me Britt"

"Ooohh I will ,you can't just leave me and go like I am a fuckin one night stand"

Xel didn't answer so I slapped her.

"Wtf was that for"she stood up.and she was very angry."Get out of my room you little bitch"

"I'm going nowhere"

"Britt leave or I shooot you ass" Xel pointed a gun on me

"Fuck youuu Xel "I took my things and left.


I was really adjusting to work well and the payment was really good, I was going for shipments alone now no angel to boss me up .I had even cleared my fees but I barely attended classes .I was even thinking of dropping out of school and countine with job .I had not spoken with Britt since that day I scared her with a gun but it's okay I can do without her but I miss the sex.

Today all of us were to meet with the big boss she had something to say about a shipment.I had never seen her, since Blake was the one giving us orders,all I knew is that the boss was a she.I was to meet.with Angel so that we could go together to the trap house.


I was idoling at the petrol station.then I saw Xel and Angel together .Thats impossible they hated each other, what's up with them .I need to follow them ,they had this black Benz which non of them could afford to own, I took a taxi and followed them .Where were they going we were already out of town .

"Maam I won't go any further" the taxi guy complained

"Mhaaaan I'll pay you extra"

"No ,who are you following ? this looks dangerous ma'am"

"Such a bitch" I paid him and decided to wait for another lift luckly a motorcycle driver passed by and gave me a lift .

"Okay here will be fine "I stopped the motorcycle driver.

I paid him .I decided to stop a distance far so that they couldn't notice me.

Five minutes later, five other Benz come to the compound where Xel and Angel had stopped on, it looked more like a warehouse.Are this people in a cult or something

Suddenly Miss smith come out of one of the cars and two huge men Escorted her .she looked very expensive in the clothes that she had on .

What are this people UpTo

I moved closer to the warehouse and hid in a place we're I could watch there movements well .

I could see drugs and guns on the tables.

Should I call the police??

Noo let me watch them first.


We stood there and prepared things as we waited for the boss.

"The boss is here" one of the men shouted everyone panicked and took there position.

Hell no it can't be her,oohh shooootttt,fuck on .

"Heyy everyone " smith greeted everyone ,I tried to hide so that she couldn't see me.

"Where is the new recruit?" She asked

Everyone turned to me.

"Ooh you, I need you to tell me where last night's shipments went ,we are missing 56 guns and 600kg of cocaine"

Smith behaved as if she didn't know me ,as if she wasn't my therapist once.she was very serious ,she really doesn't play on her business.

"I brought everything I was given maam "

"Shut up" smith slapped me hard

"Ma'am I didn't steal anything"I tried getting up
When another blow came flying right to my left eye

Ouchh I cried in pain

"You were supposed to check if everything was there but you didn't ,so you will serve as an example "

Two men come and beat me up I had no strength to stop them I let them hurt me.

"I will not entertain laziness in my work ,you hear me" smith stepped on my head and pressed her leg on my face .I was in pain ,I started regretting everything .

"I won't repeat I cried out "

Everyone was scared and nobody talked.

"Gentlemen she's all yours "

I was being taken to a different room by two men.

"Why did you steal from boss,you thought you could get away with it "I was tired of justifying for my
Self so I just laid there lifeless.

"Your all mine now"

He tied me up and undressed me.I tried to struggle with him but he was too strong for me ,he forced himself to me

"Well are you very tight" I watched him do things to me, him and the other guy they were really enjoying themselves ,they were laughing and taking turns to assult me .

Why did miss smith do this to me? ,why did she pretend that she didn't know me ? I was being set up she even knows that I'm not capable of stealing from them, now that I needed that money more. My mom was right I was a disgrace to the society maybe they should just kill me now.

I felt so weak and my vision started to blurry and my eyes shut down.


When I saw the way Xel was being beaten up with smith and the men I decided to call the police but they come 30 minutes late .Xel was taken to another room I don't know what was happening to her in there.

There was so much shooting from the police and miss smith goons.Suddenly I saw angel drop to the hard ground she was being shooted on her head, miss smith was being shooted on her leg she tried to run but the police caught up with her . I run to the room Xel was being taken and saw her laying lifeless on the ground she had been badly bruised and she was bledding .I felt her pulse but it was too weak .

"Can someone please call an ambulance my friend is dying pleaseeeeee ' I cried

"Xel wake up ,stay strong "

I screamed and shouted .

to be countined.......

Will Xel wake up from the coma ??,will she be arrested ??did miss smith survive??will Britt forgive Xel for being in a gang without telling her??what were Xels parents reaction to the incident??How did Ray take in all of this the fact that her girlfriend and Xel were involved?? would miss smith ask Xel for forgiveness??😂😂😂

Thank you for reading UpTo this chapter 😚♥️


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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