Çhåþ†êr †êñ

4 0 0

"Aaravos?" He asks.

I nod. He looks around.

"You're safe here if that's what you're wondering." I say.

"I..." He looks at me.

"Did you really lose your mind?" I ask.

He stands up. He draws back.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"You're the Fallen Star." He says.

"I assume you've heard the rumors of me." I say.

"You're dangerous." He says.

"Is this your way for thanking someone who saved your life?" I ask.

"I... you..." He mutters.

He seems delirious. Maybe I should've healed him more. He looks down at his arm.

"What? What did you do?" He looks at me.

"What you mean this?" I hold up the ribbon. 

His eyes widen.

"You should be thanking me for freeing your arm." I say.

"How... how did you?" He asks.

"I have many talents." I chuckle.

I light my hand in fire, and I destroy it. His eyes narrow. He turns and starts walking.

"Where are you going?" I ask. 

"Home. I have to get back to Xaida." He says.

"Oh? And you're planning on walking there shirtless?" I ask.

He looks at me. I draw a rune and snap my fingers. Glowing light wraps around him. His outfit returns to him. His hair tightens into buckles and the tighter braid. His gloves form around his hands.

"Thanks." He says.

"Oh, and you will need this." I hand him his bow.

He takes it swiftly. He puts it back around his shoulders.

"If you're going to Xaida, I have business there as well. So... I'll tag along." I say.

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