Çhåþ†êr £ðµr

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I think he's saying who am I. I look at him. How long has he been here? Is this about the humans stealing the egg of the dragon prince. I did know that. I also know the human whose been messing with my prison was the one that forged the spell. I draw a rune in front of the mirror. The rune of the star. My rune. He doesn't seem to get it. I let out a breath. 

This is the first elf I've seen in centuries. I'm intrigued. He doesn't look too bad for someone who has been rotting in this prison for days. Just give him time. He hasn't rotted in a prison for as long as I have.

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"Who are you?" I ask the elf.

He just looks at me. I assume the prison keeps him from communicating. I look at him. His face was adorn with star markings. His skin was a blueish purple spotted with stars. His eyes were something I have never seen before. He just looks at me. 

He's unlike anything I've ever seen before. He's strangely beautiful. His eyes were something special. I just stare at him. He places his hand on the mirror wall. I just stare at him. He looks so... mysterious and beautiful.

Çðµñ†ïñg §†år§Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ