Çhåþ†êr †wð

7 0 0

He's persistent which makes him dangerous. I can see his eyes are filled with greed. He's hungry. Hungry for power and it will consume him. That's what will kill him in the end. And it's a very satisfying thought. I look up. He's coming in. He's bringing something. An object. A round shaped mirror by the looks of it. My eyes narrow.

"I am already dead." I hiss.

"Save it elf. I brought you this object." He comes around.

He removes the veil, and my eyes widen. The mirror... the prison... the being trapped in the mirror. How'd he even get his fingers on it? He's dealing with powers he shouldn't even meddle with. This will not end well for him, both of us.

"I assume you know what it is, right?" He asks.

I roll my eyes.

"Look elf, I'm offering your life if you'd just do this simple thing." He says.

"I am already dead." I hiss.

"Is that the only thing you know how to say?" He raises an eyebrow.

I turn my head.

"You have until the next dawn to decide." He says.

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