Çhåþ†êr §êvêñ

5 0 0

"Alright elf, it's time." He enters the room.

I turn my head. 

"Enough brooding elf. My patience wears thin." He hisses.

"You are dealing with powers that will consume you." I say. 

"Oh? Why is that?" He asks.

I turn my head again. He lets out an angry breath.

"Then take a look at this." He takes out a bag.

I hear rattling. Coins?

"You're more foolish than I thought. Don't you know only humans can be seduced?" I ask chuckling.

"Oh, this isn't a bribe. I apologize for making you feel that way. It's a threat." He empties the bag.

I just look at him.

"Take a closer look and be... motivated." He says.

My eyes narrow as I look down at them. My eyes widen. Impossible. How...?

"You're a monster." I look up at him.

"You're mistaken I'm a pragmatist." He says.

He stands up. I look at him.

"So, tell me what you know of this mirror, or I will seal your fate." He says.

"You have succeeded." I let out a breath.

"Oh? Have I?" He asks.

"You have found something worse than death." I say.

"So, tell me what it is." He hisses.

"I will never help you." I spit.

"Then you are of no use to me." He says.

He takes out his staff. It shifts and his eyes start glowing purple.

"Erusaert ym si luos ruoy." He starts chanting.

(Your soul is my treasure.)

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