Chapter seventeen

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They were led to their rooms on the west wing. Lisa's room was right next to Jeongguk's and Taehyung's, and Seokjin's was opposite of them. The female omega had rushed into her room to clean herself, and Seokjin too went inside his after bidding them.

"Let's go?" Jeongguk nodded, and both of them walked into the room. The room was painted blush pink with a king-size bed. It had a white canopy. There was a bedside table with a round lamp on it. The floor was carpeted, and there were small yet classy decors all around the room. A small chandelier hung on the top, and there was a door leading to the bathroom and another to the closet.

"Wow, this is so pretty." Jeongguk said. Taehyung nodded to his words and looked at him.

"Yeah, pretty," he said, still staring at him. Jeongguk glanced at him and smiled, a small blush on his cheeks.

"You wanna bath first?" He asked him. Taehyung grinned cheekly before talking.

"Why waste water when we can bathe together?" That earned him a light hit on the chest and a very flustered Jeongguk.

"Taehyung! You can't just say things like that." He hissed. Taehyung chuckled and stepped closer, causing Jeongguk to step back. This continued until Jeongguk's knees hit the bed, and he fell on top of it. Taehyung leaned down and pressed his hands on either side of Jeongguk and stared at him intensely. Jeongguk gulped at the close proximity, and Taehyung's eyes followed the movement.

"Just checking the sheets," he murmered. Jeongguk blinked at his words and noticed how Taehyung was feeling the sheets very slowly. But his attention remained on Jeongguk's face.

"Yeah?" He breathed out. Their faces were inches apart now, and if one of them moved, their faces would touch. The thought made Jeongguk's stomach flip.

"Yeah," he said. They stayed like that for a few more seconds until Taehyung unwillingly stood up straight again. Jeongguk released the breath he was holding. "Guess I'll bathe first then?" He asked, and Jeongguk nodded, not trusting himself to speak. Taehyung walked into the bathroom. After a few seconds, he came out again.

Jeongguk stared at him with raised eyebrows, amused at the alpha's behaviour. Taehyung shifted awkwardly and cleared his throat.

"There are, um, weird stuff. Can you tell me what those are?" He asked, sheepishly. Jeongguk stood up, a bit concerned. Then, he strode over to the alpha. Without another word, the alpha walked in, and Jeongguk followed.

The bathroom was also beautiful. There was a small pond on the middle, and to the right, there were glass bottles of soap liquids and flower petals stacked up in a wooden rack. The water looked neat and clean. Jeongguk noticed a tap on the end of the manmade pond. Everything looked normal. He looked at the alpha, confused.

"What's wrong? Nothing is weird here, " he said. Taehyung cleared his throat again.

"Those things. What are they for?" He asked, pointing to the soap rack. Jeongguk blinked at his words, looking extremely confused. Until it dawned on him. Taehyung was a rouge alpha who lived alone. Of course, he wouldn't know these things. He giggled, amused.

"Those are soaps." He said.

"That's not what soaps look like,"

"Yeah, well, we are in a palace, Tae. Everything will look fancy and pretty. Besides, they're all scented, and there's also flowers for the pond." Taehyung nodded slowly, registering his omega's words. "Look how pretty they are," Jeongguk said, moving towards the flowers.

"The tiles are slippery -" Taehyung warned, but Jeongguk already slipped. Taehyung's alpha instincts took over, and he rushed over to Jeongguk. The omega had balanced himself, but due to Taehyung's rush, the alpha slipped and stumbled on to the omega, causing them both to fall on the pool.

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