Chapter ten

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It was noon and time for both of the omegas to leave. The two of them, along with Duri and Jihyo, walked out of the main den. The omegas had their bags in hand. When they were outside in the field, Jeongguk stopped and turned to Duri.

"Ma, I will miss you.." he trailed, not knowing what else to add. He wanted to say so much, but nothing slipped out. He felt a lump forming in his mouth, but he was scared to cry.

"Oh my gukkie, I will miss you too, my dear." she cupped his face in both her hands and looked at him with glassy eyes. Jeongguk fought the urge to break down and inhaled deeply. "Do not be scared. Fear is a mere distraction, " said she.

"Yes, ma. I will make all of you proud. I swear it on Der, " he swore. Duri smiled warmly and hugged him. Then she turned to the blonde next to him. She glared at her, and so Lisa lowered her head.

"And you, Lalisa, will help in every case. Understand!?" She inquired. Lisa nodded, with a fearful sigh.

"Yes, Luna," she gulped. Then, Duri laughed and embraced her. Lisa tensed at the touch but soon relaxed in her arms and hugged her back.

"You take care of yourself, sweetheart." Duri comforted. With a happy nod, Lisa let go. Both of them then bowed at their elders and started their journey.

The sun was high on the sky, now shining down at the trees. They were way far from their pack now, and heated rays of sunlight peaked in from the thick leaves of the tall trees in the forest of Oxin. It was their first time ever travelling, and both of them were pretty nervous. Lisa kept on drinking water, and Jeongguk just couldn't bring himself to drink or eat anything. It has been roughly forty minutes since they started walking, but who's counting?

They have not rested yet, and their feet hurt as they were walking nonstop. Jeongguk's mind, however, was running. He kept trying to go back to the dreams he saw last night, but he couldn't remember them. He felt it was important and was frustrated that he couldn't remember it.

"Are you alright?" A voice broke into his thoughts, and he glanced at his companion. Lisa had a pair of brown weary eyes set on him as they continued further on.

"Yea, why do you ask?" Lisa sighed at his answer. She then stopped walking, causing the male to do the same.

"You keep biting your cheeks and pursing your lips. You do that when you're worried or nervous, so what's going on?" She crossed her arms, trying to be intimatidating. But the tall bag on her back made her look stupid, causing Jeongguk to laugh a little. "Why are you laughing!?" She shouted. Jeongguk stopped at her words.

"Oh, c'mon. What do you want me to do? I can't laugh or be worried?" He too crossed his arms. She rolled her eyes and began speaking.

"You can't laugh at me!"

"I was not!

"Yes, you were."

"No, I was just thinking about our ridiculous fate and laughed,"

"Oh, very believable sir, when is the next lie coming out?" Lisa sassed, and Jeongguk couldn't help but laugh once again.

"Okay, okay. Sorry, yes, I was laughing at you, and yes, I'm worried, " he said. Lisa's features softened. She then sighed and side hugged him, which was the best they could do with the big bags on their back. They stayed like that for half a minute.

"What if we fail the quest?" Lisa broke the silence. Jeongguk tensed at that, and she let go. "We don't even know what we're doing. What if we fail?" She pressed. Jeongguk sighed.

"I don't know, Lisa. I'm worried, too, especially about our secondary characters. We're both omegas, and this is a huge quest. If we fail, we fail the whole world. I'm really scared, " he confessed. Lisa's eyes brimmed with tears, but she didn't let them fall and wiped them quickly.

"I hope the goddess blesses us and leads us to victory." She said, then she closed her eyes and cupped her hands and prayed. Jeongguk, too, copied her actions. After that, they both started to walk again.


Seokjin didn't mind the dry leaves or the bugs. He has done this a million times, at least. He felt free, and he was having fun. Sure, the whole world depended on them right now. But who says the heroes can't have fun with what they do? That's right, no one. So, Seokjin had every right to have fun.

Aegis walked in front, leading the way. Behind Seokjin, Taehyung grumbled as he swat away another mosquito. The alpha was not at all enjoying this. All he wanted was to see his omega and get this done with.

"What even is wrong with the world?" He asked. Seokjin turned to look back at him and slowed his steps. Aegis growled lowly. When Taehyung caught up to him, Seokjin began to speak.

"There is someone, or well, a group of someones. They want the crown of Lupine. But only the omega can touch it. It used to be the crown of Luna Iseul. She was the brightest and most beautiful ruler in the history of Lupine. Now it is, of course, the omega. Who is more beautiful than her and has several special powers. Unlike her, who just had wits and beauty. But yet, she was the best of time.

"The crown was made for her specifically, only to crown her head. It contained a rare jewel that was gifted by her lover. Who loved her so much that he went to Mount Tibaca and mined Painite, the rarest of jewels in Lupine. It doesn't exist anymore. Only one does, and that is in the crown." Taehyung then chose to speak.

"Why do they want the jewel? Just because it's rare? What does that have to do with the world?" He pondered. Seokjin chuckled.

"For now, Taehyung, that's all I can say. The sun is going to set soon. We should find a good place to put up our tent and fireplace, " he said and walked forward. Taehyung wanted to know more, but maybe he would regret it. So he kept quiet and let the man do what he wanted.


Ladies and gentlemen, I have finally updated! I'm so sorry for the wait. Thank you so much for being patient💜

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