Chapter twelve

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Jeongguk woke up when he heard a roar. He recognised it as Aegis, but what startled him was the alpha on the floor. He didn't waste a second to grab the fallen knife, presumably the alpha's, and held it to the trespasser's throat. He pushed his knees onto the man's abdomen and held him down with his other arm. The action made the man open his eyes and stare at him dumbfounded.

Taehyung was sure he looked stupid. Well, you can't really blame him. He never thought he would meet the omega in this way. No, he was not expecting to be held at Dagger Point by the omega at all. But well, here they were.

"Speak! Who are you?" The omega said. His voice was just, wow. Taehyung heard it in his dreams, but hearing it in real life was so much better. His voice was smooth and alluring. But powerful and commanding as he ordered Taehyung to speak. Taehyung didn't do anything but smiled dumbly up at him.

Jeongguk was getting annoyed. This man had the nerve to intrude into their tent, and now, as he was trying to interrogate him, he was smiling? Seriously, what is wrong with this man? He couldn't find Aegis either, which worried him too.

"Is he deaf?" Lisa asked from behind him. Her own dagger in her hand and Jeongguk's sword in the other. Jeongguk shrugged, eyes not leaving the man under him.

"Maybe, but definitely not blind," Jeongguk scoffed. "Since he was so excited to watch two sleeping omegas. Fucking alphas" he spat.

Now that was enough for Taehyung to snap out of his trance. "Woah! I was not trying to watch you or anything. I was trying to steal from you." He said. Jeongguk raised his eyebrows.

"Not deaf, or mute for that matter," Lisa remarked once again. Taehyung tried to speak again, but a voice interrupted him.

"Your Highness, the omega of Venus!" Jeongguk looked up and saw a man approaching them, with Aegis by his side. He was glad to see his tiger, which also meant that the person next to Aegis was the person sent by Mother Moon.

"We are so lucky to be graced by your presence. Bless us, my Luna, and we shall forever serve you!" He bowed a full 90 degrees. Jeongguk and Lisa both were dumbstruck. While Taehyung didn't even bother to struggle free and just watched his omega.

Seokjin remained in his position, and Aegis marched forward. He stopped near Jeongguk and Taehyung. Then he 'accidentally' slapped Taehyung's face with his tail and licked Jeongguk's face. Taehyung muttered some imprecations, and Jeongguk scratched the tiger's ear with a smile.

Taehyung own lips pulled into a smile at seeing Jeongguk's smile. Which was noticed by the female omega. Then she chose to speak.

"Who are you both?" She asked. When there was no answer, Jeongguk looked at the bowing man and down at the smiling thief. Then he sighed and addressed the former.

"Sir, stand straight and answer my friend's question," he commanded. The man stood straight immediately and began to speak.

"Of course, your Highness. We are sent by the moon goddess to join your quest. I am a traveller who will guide you, my name Kim Seokjin. The thief you have caught is your real partner, Kim Taehyung. He is a pure blooded alpha if you must know." Answered Seokjin, with a kind smile. Jeongguk gasped, looking down at the man, who was still very much smiling at him, enjoying the different expressions he displayed. Jeongguk stood up, but Taehyung didn't bother to get up.

"Is this true? Are you really a pure blood?" He asked him. Taehyung smiled and sat up.

"Yes, my love. I am the pure blood destined to be yours," he said with the most loveliest smile Jeongguk had ever seen. The man before him was gorgeous, with blue eyes and black robes. It was a stark contrast in this night. The blue in his eyes brightened and shone, like that of a night child's. Kim Taehyung was a night child, and he was ethereal. A competition to Venus.

"So, now what?" Lisa asked with an awkward chuckle. Seokjin turned to acknowledge her presence but froze in his spot immediately. The colour from his face drained, and he looked like he was slapped. His gaze stuck to her face, and he looked to be frightened. Lisa shifted awkwardly, and Jeongguk raised his eyebrows at him. Taehyung glanced back at Seokjin and, seeing his state, stood up and walked over to the man.

"Are you alright?" He waved his hands in front of his face, and Seokjin snapped out of whatever trance he was in. He cleared his throat and avoided looking at Lisa.

"Yes, I'm fine. We must rest, and we shall leave at dawn. If the goddess wills, we will reach Narva by the next dusk, " he said and began walking back to their tent. Which left the others confused.

"Give him time, master. The poor guy " Aegis spoke. Jeongguk looked down at him and ruffled his fur.

"Alright, um, Taehyung, you should go to your companion. We will meet up at dawn, " he said, and before Taehyung could object, he walked into the tent with Lisa and Aegis. Taehyung's shoulders slumped, and he turned on his heel and went to find Seokjin. The man was inside the tent after packing up everything. Taehyung crawled in and looked at him. He was meditating. A few seconds passed with Taehyung just staring at Seokjin.

"Stop staring and go to sleep," he cut the silence off and said. Taehyung sighed. He laid down and once again looked at Seokjin.

"Are you going to tell me what happened back there?" He asked.

"No." Seokjin replied simply. Taehyung sighed again and closed his eyes to sleep, hoping to dream of his beautiful omega.

Meanwhile, Jeongguk was dreaming. He was in a white castle looking at a very bright throne. There sat Venus with a white dove on her shoulder and a white swan on her lap. A wolf slept at her feat, pure white and blending into the throne. She smiled at Jeongguk and beckoned him closer.

"My child, you have met your mate," she said. Jeongguk held back a gasp and stared at her with wide eyes. "I have chosen a pure blood to be your mate, and you shall mate him in Narva" she said.

"But, the mate bond will only work if we truly love each other" he reasoned. She laughed loudly, a beautiful sound.

"You worry not about that, my dear. Love lies with Venus. You focus on the mating as it deeply affects your future and the quest" she said, calmy and precisely. Jeongguk nodded, not having to say anything else.

"Good luck, my child. You have my blessings" she said, and Jeongguk was pulled into a dreamless slumber.


There you have it! TK met and hope you have some questions. 😂 I hope you like the update and I will update on every Saturday from now. And after Ramadan, I will update twice a week, maybe thrice if I'm having a good week. Stay tuned! Also Aegis speaking was supposed to be in italics but my phone is doing weird stuff so don't mind that.

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