Chapter four

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The wooden door slammed shut as Taehyung entered his hut situated in the forest. This forest used to be a part of Oxin, the sacred forest of Lupine, but during a war a portion had been destroyed dividing the forest into two. Oxin used to be large and covered a huge part of Lupine, but now after the war the smaller part of the divided forest was turned to a village-town, not entirely but majorly. The town was named Nortun and the remaining forest was called Grimwoods. It wasn't named before and people just called it Oxin but since a few years back, there is a legend of a blue eyed wolf residing in the forest and it was said that the wolf killed anyone who entered. Naturally many were curious and they ventured in to hunt the said wolf but they never came out of the woods after, and so it was named Grimwoods.

After taking off his mask, Taehyung sat down infront of the portrait he had drawn in the morning. It was that stranger in his dream. As soon as he woke up he had walked to his canvas and began to draw and surprisingly he managed to capture every detail and the person looked exactly like he did in the dream. Now Taehyung is a talented painter but he didn't think he could pull this off, and he was ecstatic when he did. He finished by afternoon and then decided to go search for this person.

He considered taking the portrait with him but decided against it, now sitting in his hut with the sun dipping down outside he wished he had taken it. Perhaps then Rowoon might've recognized him.

Just as he thought that, something strange happened. He heard a voice of a man, then a knock on his door. His eyebrows furrowed. No one entered Grimwoods, so who could that be?

Cautious and careful, Taehyung grabbed his sword and slowly made his way to the door, which wasn't far considering the hut was small. He grabbed the doorknob, waited a second but the person knocked again, so he opened the door and slashed. When his sword didn't cut through anything, Taehyung frowned confused. No one was there, he was about to step out and investigate, when someone popped up infront of him from his right. Taehyung held in a gasp and raised his sword again.

"Tell me why and how I knew you would do that?" The man infront of him laughed at himself as he said so. The man was an inch or two taller than him and he looked like he was in his twenties, but something about his eyes made Taehyung uneasy. They were hazel brown but that wasn't the weird part. His face was amazingly youthful especially when he laughed but his eyes seemed so old, like he has seen things the ancient kings had.

"Who are you!?" He asked, his sword's tip pressed against the man's chest. The man raised an amused brow and glanced down at the sword like he found this funny. He smirked and stepped back, then bowed at Taehyung.

"The second pure blooded alpha of history, Kim Taehyung, it is my pleasure to guide you through your mission." He said, then stood straight and bursted out laughing. His laugh was amusing, a strange pattern of squeaks. "Ugh, I promised I wouldn't laugh!" He said to mother knows who.

Taehyung was getting anxious, this man knew his rank and identity and Taehyung swore he has never met this person before. He pressed the sword to his chest again and the man finally stopped laughing. "Hmm, yes. I'm getting sidetracked. Let us go inside and have some tea, I assume you have tea?" When Taehyung nodded, he continued. "Good, then we will talk, I'm sure you have many questions" he said and smiled handsomely.

Taehyung did not trust this person, he was sure of that. This could be a trap and he could be killed, but he wasn't stupid. He knew how to fight and fool. So with a tight lipped smile, Taehyung welcomed the man inside.


Jeongguk coughed as soon as he woke up. He heard movements near him and soon a silver tumbler was placed against his lips and he eagerly drank from it. After drowning the water, his coughs vanished but he was left feeling empty and tired. He had a great sleep but still he felt drowsy. A hand rubbed his back and a familiar voice began talking.

"Oh, Venus! I'm so happy you woke up. Are you alright? How are you feeling?" Lisa pressed her other hand on his face, checking his temperature. Jeongguk slowly took her hand and turned to face her.

"I'm fine, don't worry. Tired but fine. What exactly happened?" He asked trying to remember, but his head hurt so bad his vision nearly blacked out. Lisa sighed hugging him and he weakly returned it.

"Well after Duri called you in yesterday, you blacked out and didn't wake up at all. We all heard your screaming and we rushed to the main den but the door was locked and Jihyo didn't let us in. I was so worried, lot of us began crying and then Duri started to scream, and Jihyo opened the door and when we went in, we saw you passed out and Duri crying her eyes out. Gosh, she looked so broken. But we were worried about you and--" her eyes began watering and she stopped to collect herself. "Venus, I was so scared. You didn't move at all, I-I thought I might've lost you" she whimpered and Jeongguk quickly embraced her again.

"I'm alright now, Liz. I'll never leave you, okay?" He spoke softly and she nodded, now sobbing.

"Okay." She then wiped her tears and let go. "Duri told me some things about you. First she refused to talk, eat or drink, but then after a few hours she did. It was only me and Jihyo with her, so don't worry about that. But is it true? What did you see? Was it scary?" Her voice cracked when she asked the last question. Jeongguk took a deep breath, suddenly the visions coming back to him. He winced and shook his head.

"What time is it?" He asked instead. His eyes wandered off to the small window and he saw the sun setting. Lisa's eyes followed his, and she answered.

"It's five something, evening. I honestly lost track of time sitting here. Duri is resting in the other room, if you're worried about her don't go now, she hasn't slept since yesterday" She said and looked at him again. "You don't have to speak about this if you're not ready. I'll give you some space to-" she was cut off by him.

"No, no. Stay, please" he pleaded looking at her. Lisa's eyes began to fill again but she nodded and scooted closer to him. "It's true." He said after a moment of silence. The female omega looked at him, but he avoided her eyes. "I'm the omega of Venus, Jeon Jeongguk."

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