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Lisa woke up with a headache. The way everything was going was frustrating to her. She hadn't slept well last night. Overthinking kept her awake. Kim Seokjin's reaction to seeing her hadn't helped her case. Lack of sleep and tension had resulted in the splitting headache she was having.

The sun had just begun rising, and she could smell bacon and eggs cooking. There was no one in the tent except her, which meant Jeongguk was probably outside. She sat up and massaged her temples. They were on a world saving quest, and there wasn't anything she could do, which made her feel like a burden. The only reason Jeongguk brought her with him was because they were friends, not that she had any special powers. She was sure of that.

She groaned again when the sunlight hit her eyes. She got out of the tent, and the sight was reassuring despite the circumstances. Seokjin was cooking over the fireplace, and her best friend was feeding his tiger. The alpha among them was lying on the grass watching Jeongguk.

Which made Lisa think about Seokjin's secondary gender. He had not mentioned it, and he didn't have a specific scent either, unlike Taehyung, who smelled like rainforest and something else that was too faint to identify. The scent itself declared that he was an alpha, only they had such musky scents.

Pulling herself out of her thoughts, she went behind the tent to brush. After that, she came back around and saw Jeongguk walking towards the tent. Upon seeing her, he stopped and smiled.

"Oh, I was just gonna wake you up. Good morning!" She hugged him, and he rubbed her back. "Seokjin made breakfast, c'mon," they pulled apart from each other and walked to their companions. Seokjin was setting up the plates and they both grabbed their own and sat down. Jeongguk was in the middle of Taehyung and Lisa. Seokjin sat opposite of them with Aegis lying next to his feet.

"We have to leave after breakfast, eat fast everyone." Seokjin said. The following silence was not awkward, but then Taehyung spoke cutting through it.

"Which pack are you from?" Lisa looked at him and realised that he was talking to Jeongguk. The latter replied in a beat.

"We're from Der. What about you?" He asked back. Lisa grinned at Jeongguk's slightly pink face and glanced at Seokjin, who had his eyes down but the smile on his face said he was listening.

"I'm a rouge" the alpha replied. Jeongguk raised his eyebrows at him.

"That explaines your job, a thief" Lisa remarked. A glint of pride washed over Taehyung's blue eyes.

"Yes, I am a nation known thief" he said proudly. Jeongguk chuckled at that. Lisa didn't find him that funny, but oh well. The rest of the breakfast was shared in silence.

After that, they all packed up to leave. Taehyung and Seokjin had already packed before they came to them, so they helped the omegas to pack. Then, they began walking south.

Aegis led the way with Jeongguk and Taehyung on his tail, Seokjin right beside him and Lisa behind all of them. She preferred it honestly. If anything bad happened, she could grab Jeongguk and dash in the opposite direction. But if something was to sneak up on them from behind, well then she was doomed.

"You didn't finish the story about the crown," Taehyung said to, presumably, Seokjin.

"Oh, yes. Your Highness, do you you know the story of the crown?" He asked to Jeongguk. His head tilted to the side to look at the omega.

"Luna Iseul's crown, right? Yes, I've heard of it. It contains Painite, but how does that concern us?" He asked. Seokjin smiled as if he remembered a joke.

"Well, the crown is in Chyra, protected by the royals of the kingdom. The key to that room is hidden away from the world. Even if the key is found, it cannot be opened or touched by anyone, except you or the queen herself. Whoever wears the crown attains the powers of Lupine. So, many kings and alphas wanted the crown.

"When you were born, the kings and alphas were ready to take you and get the crown. But you were saved, and they failed. Everyone believed you were dead and so, they kidnapped all the witches and warlocks and forced them to conduct resurrection spells to either bring back the queen or you. They were unsuccessful. The spells caused the death of the witches and warlocks. Now only a few warlocks remain, witches long extinct. Some people still believe you live and are preparing for the stealing of your crown with your help." He was cut off by Jeongguk speaking.

"As if I will," he grumbled. Seokjin chuckled at that.

"Yes, Your Highness. We know you wouldn't. But they do not, and so they are waiting for your return, and our arrival in Narva will alert Lupine of your existence and so will yours, Taehyung." He finished. Lisa felt goosebumps all over her. The knew informations weighting her chest down.

"Do we know when they are planning to steal?" Taehyung questioned. Seokjin turned to look at him and spoke.

"Without the omega of Venus, it is impossible to get the crown. But our best bet is the blood moon night. It's in a month," He said and turned to the front again.

"Why the blood moon night?" Lisa asked. Seokjin paused for a few seconds, which made Lisa wonder if he had heard her. Before she could repeat her question, he talked.

"The blood moon is a rare moon. It occurs once every hundred years. The last occurrence was on the death of the queen. Legend has it that the moon only brings death, and no one has ever been born during that night or day." The silence that followed was painful. Where did Seokjin get these creepy stories? What if something happened to one of them on that night? What if they-

She shook the thoughts out of her head and asked, "it is just a legend right?" The tone Seokjin used to speak again was quiet.

"The pure blood alpha was a legend, but Xianho was born and then followed Taehyung." He muttered. The answer did not assure Lisa. She looked at Taehyung who was tense and at her best friend who was in a similar condition. At that moment Lisa knew what ran across each of their minds. Was it too late to turn back?

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