Chapter - 15

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"I'm sorry for this shambles" Harshad cleaned up his table while I took the others from the floor. I wonder what happened that made him cry like this. He even made me stay in the room for the time being until he fixed himself up again. I still have things to tell him but I guess these can wait.

"How are you?" He continued arranging things on his table, I know he's talking to me even if he didnt gave a glance at my direction. "F-fine" I replied hesitantly. I don't know if this life is fine nor these things that are happening to me. It may not be the finest but it can still be considered as fine, maybe.

"Things are shitty huh?"


I stopped picking the magazines and gave an amused look at him. He cussed? He definitely did! "What? is it your first time hearing someone swear? It's not new though. Everyone does this in a daily basis Ms. Rathod, depends on their mood" he let out a loud sigh while stretching his arms upwards. I've never seen him so carefree like this, he might've had it tough that he's not even trying to hide his real self from other people.

'T've got an idea" his face lit up as he looked upwards with his eyes squinting, "Are you up for it?" He gave a questioning look at my side. I feel a little nervous but is somehow excited with what he's thinking. It's Harshad- - - who wouldn't want to join him? Besides I need a breather again before the days will be more chaotic than it ever is.

I nodded my head and as I was about to put the magazines in his table, he suddenly grabbed my arm and dragged me into the door: "What wa -"

"Shhh, my manager is probably looking for me. I just sneaked out of the meeting and now I'm gonna do it too so please stay still because you're now my partner. If I get caught, you'll get caught too" he peeped from the tiny space in the door which he opened ajar for him to see the people nearby.

What are we doing? and what partner he is talking about? He's contrasting every impression I had on him. Now we look like two kids sneaking out of class and being careful not to get caught by the teacher. This is fun though. I tried to stand on my heels to peep in the view above his head too. There are only a few in the area and most of them are busy.




The door opened widely from the weight of us on it. I haven't noticed that I had my hands in his shoulder for support as I am trying to see the situation outside the door. It made us fell on our knees with me on top of him. The other staffs seems not to notice it at all so we help ourselves get up from that embarrassing moment and hid back at the office.

"That was a close one" he turned to look at me as he sighed nervously, still giving glances outside. I nodded at him as a smile formed on my lips for the time being. "Now" he stood up and grabbed me again by the hand as we walked fast along the other way towards the elevator.

"One for you and one for me" he handed me an ice cream while we sat on the bench near the sea shore. It was an exhausting escape from the agency but we did it without someone noticing. "Thank you" I look at a scoop of the ice cream, the same flavored ice cream as his strawberry.

"It was fun wasnt it? whoo it gave me flashbacks" he grasped his arms with his hands as if he was getting goose bumps from the nostalgia. I tilted my head to look at him, scooping the ice cream bit by bit. He met my eyes and did the same thing as I do. "Is it okay to ask what happened earlier? I mean if that does not bother you, you can talk to me or vent out or-"

"About that? That was nothing I just had enough of everything. You know when things get heavy from bottling it up from time to time, it explodes in an instant right?"


"I've been thinking about it a lot, the pressure, the judgements and everything. It came to the point that I became tired of it" he focused his gaze far away while letting his worries slip away for a while. I understand his point, it must be hard to follow the agency's requests, the tight schedules and events, pressure from the people around him and judgements from those who want to bring him down. I actually looked up at him on how he can manage the situations calmly not knowing that he's been through so much.

"Let's not talk about it for a while, I know there are also things that are bothering you so it counts the both of us" he scooped another batch of ice cream from his cup while not breaking contact from the sea view. I nodded and went back to eating the last scoop of the ice cream in mine.

We need some time to be ourselves and to break free from what's hindering us.

"Mind if I'll take you to a rage room? It's not dangerous I swear"

"Surel" I answered right away. It might be not be the best idea but we need something to take our stress out to.

"Make sure to wear your googles and protective gear right" he had his hands on my googles, putting it in its right place before proceeding into the room.

Harshad is someone I least expect to hang out with. He's a known personality and I'm just a nobody who's making trouble out of my work. The manager of this place even had his sign into his collections of Harshad's photocards and magazines. He's becoming a celeb and he deserves every bit of it.

"Ready?" he asked with two bottles in his hands. In front of us are debris from the broken glasses thrown in to the wall with a half of a net separating us from it. I took two bottles at the side and raised it up to him. "Let's do this" he exclaimed, throwing the first bottle into the wall followed by the other one in his left with force. It shambled into pieces in an instant it made contact with the hard surface.

I held the bottle tightly in my hand and threw it like he did, it made a clanking sound before shuttering into pieces as well. I took a deep breathe and pulled another pair of bottles, it is making me satisfied and is loosing the tight feeling in my chest. "Looks like someone is enjoying it huh" I heard Harshad uttered beside before throwing both of his bottles on the wall.

"Damn you click! AHHHHHHH" he shouted at the top of his lungs before taking in the bat and smashing the tv on the other side. I followed him and took another bat to let it all out on the poor tv in front.

'TVE.BEEN.THROUGH.SO.MUCH.AND.IT'S.MAKING.ME.INSANE" he paused after every word that comes out of his mouth. He really must be in a great pain and is now venting it all by smashing and hitting every part of the television.

"WHY.IS.THIS.HAPPENING.TO.ME.THIS.IS.NOT.MY.FAULT" I also gave in and started giving my all in hitting the object as Harshad paused for a while to take a look at what I was doing.

"You look scary when you do it like that" he exclaimed and went into striking the tv again. It now has its glass broken and the back part detaching from its body.

'Hoooo, it's tiring wait hahaha let's stop for a bit. I never knew taking out your anger will be this exhausting." He paused for a while, a proof of relief showed on his face as he checked out the ruined television in front of us.

"This is great" he giggled, flashing a wide smile on his face, so genuine. His eyes curved with how her lips do.

A smile slipped from my lips as I looked at how happy he is. Like the first time that I saw him cry, this is also the first time I saw him being happy like that. He looks vulnerable and soft at the moment, everything is just so perfect, a mess made by chaos while smiles are painted in our cheeks.

He looks free from what's bothering him and I am here to witness it

He looked at me over his shoulder and as our eyes meet, it generated a feeling of happiness and relief at the same time that I forgot everything that are bothering me. It's as if all of a sudden, we're alone in this world.

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