The Greatest Show In The Galaxy

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Last time, Boney 10 appeared to warn the Doctor and his companions about the Daleks have returned and are after the Hand of Omega. When Jokey learns it was voice activated, he accidentally set it to set the sun of Skaro to go supernova, which destroys it and the Daleks' home planet with it, while the Hand of Omega sent itself back to Gallifrey. After defeating the Daleks and Davros, the Doctor and his companions continued their adventures in the TARDIS. When the time travelers visited Windsor castle in 1988, they've encountered the Cybermen, which were after a statue made of living metal near there. Of course thanks to the Doctor and his good planning, the Cybermen were defeated, and everything was back to normal. Now the TARDIS was flying through the Time Vortex, while the Doctor was reading a book about the first time machine, and Melody went over to him to give him a cup of tea. Melody: "Here's your tea." Doctor: "Ah, thank you Melody, how very kind of you." said the Doctor, as he takes a sip of his tea from the cup. Suddenly, some sort of little robot appeared out of nowhere and was coming up to the rest of the companions. Jokey: "Uh... what is that?" Jokeo: "I think it's a robot... but how did it get in here?" Gidget: "I'm more worried about if it's dangerous or not." Tommy: "Well... it doesn't look dangerous..." Mel: "Yeah... it looks harmless to me." Doctor: "Well looks can be deceiving..." said the Doctor, before the robot hooks itself to the TARDIS console, and then the TV monitor shows a commercial about some space circus called the Psychic Circus that is supposed to be known as the greatest show in the galaxy, and it's located on the planet Segonax. Melody: "Ooh... a space circus... that sounds like fun." Mel: "Yeah, it really does." Doctor: "I'm pretty sure that we've already visited a circus, right?" Tommy: "Yeah, but that was one on Earth in the past, this is a space circus on another planet." Doctor: "Hmm... fair enough, should be fun to watch." suddenly, Gidget felt something in her head that was very unpleasant. Tommy: "Gidget!, are you okay?" Gidget: "Yeah... but... I just got a vision... something that involves the Psychic Circus... something very wrong..." Mel: "Like what?" Tommy: "Was it really bad?" Gidget: "I don't know... it was not pretty... that's for sure..." Doctor: "Oh dear..." Robot: "Don't be afraid of the circus, it's fun for the whole family." said the robot in a robotic voice. Melody: "Well... it wouldn't hurt to at least check it out..." Doctor: "She's right, and I'm sure this circus should be loads of fun." said the Doctor, before he sets the TARDIS to fly off to the planet Segonax, which was where the circus was located. Once the group arrived to the circus, they went to their seats, waiting for the show to start. When the lights came on and some clowns appeared, the Ringmaster (played by Ricco Ross), came to the scene. Ringmaster: "Welcome everyone, we're so happy to have such a wonderful audience." said the Ringmaster, even though the only audience besides the Doctor and his companions were a family of three, a father, a mother and their daughter. Jokey: "Uh... why are they the only ones here besides us?" Tommy: "Beats me..." Ringmaster: "Today we have a special stars for you all, for our next act involves a special group of travelers that not only travel through space, but time as well, please welcome... the Doctor and his companions!" called out the Ringmaster, as a spotlight shines on the Doctor and his companions, much to their surprise. Doctor: "Wait... us?" Ringmaster: "Yes, you lot are our next act." Jokey: "Really?, cool!, we get to get into the act." Jokeo: "What do we do?" Ringmaster: "All you have to do is entertain that family there... or you'll be put to sleep, so good luck." Tommy: "Oh okay, that shouldn't be too hard, I mean I am pretty good at entertaining people and... wait did you just say put to sleep?!" Jokey: "I think that's what he said..." Melody: "Why is that bad?" Gidget: "Um... Melody... I think what he meant was... we'll be killed..." Melody: "What?!, but why?!" Gidget: "Cause it's obvious... we fell into a trap... again..." Tommy: "Oh man... I should have known it was too good to be true..." Doctor: "Well... you heard the ringmaster... we better start entertaining our audience..." Mel: "How do we do that?" Doctor: "Well... I can do this..." said the Doctor, before he spites out a pair of chicken eggs and puts them both into his hand, which somehow both vanished. Jokey: "Wow!, do that again!" Doctor: "You kids and Mel should do something too." Jokeo: "Okay uh..." said Jokeo, before he and Jokey transformed into a giraffe and mammoth, and they both shoot fire or ice from their mouth or trunk. Gidget was using her psychic powers to make Melody fly, and Tommy was making his arms stretched out to make him look really tall. What they were doing seemed very entertaining, but the trio of family didn't seemed all that impressed by any of them, but suddenly, the arena changed to look more like something from ancient times, and the trio of family turned into a trio of beings with faces covered in stone masks. Doctor: "Ah... I see now... this place belongs to the Gods of Ragnarok, who feed on entertainment and kill those who fail to satisfy them." God of Ragnarok 1: "So you know who we are." God of Ragnarok 2: "No matter, you can't escape from us." God of Ragnarok 3: "Indeed, and you have no power to stop us either." Mel: "What makes you so sure?" God of Ragnarok 1: "Simple, unless you have the medallion of Ragnarok, which holds the same power as our own, you have no hope to..." Tommy: "You mean this medallion here?" asked Tommy, as he pulls out the certain medallion from his pocket, much to everyone's surprise. Gods of Ragnarok: "WHAT THE?!, how did you do that?!" Tommy: "No idea... the writer couldn't think of a way to do it I guess..." Gods of Ragnarok: "Destroy them!" shouted the trio, before Tommy gives the medallion to the Doctor, who uses it to reflect the gods' powers, which hits the gods instead, destroying them in the process, and it wasn't long before the circus was gone, vanished without a trace. Gidget: "Huh... well that was anticlimactic... sort of..." Melody: "Well I'm not complaining... as long as nobody got hurt..." Gidget: "Fair enough..." that was when the Ringmaster appeared, feeling really dizzy. Ringmaster: "Oh... my head... what happened?" Tommy: "Don't you remember?" Ringmaster: "Not really... there was a small family.. wanted entertainment... and then after that... nothing..." Doctor: "Well don't worry about it... you're free now." Mel: "Yeah, you can entertain people across the galaxy again." Ringmaster: "Yeah... I guess I will... would you lot like to join?" Doctor: "Thanks, but I'm afraid we got travels of our own... besides... I think you'll find our kind of entertainment be a little... scary..." Melody: "What do you mean?" Tommy: "I think he means the danger we get into while traveling." Melody: "Oh..." Mel: "Well... I don't know about you... but I think I'm taking a break from a circus for a while..." Doctor: "Yes... I think we all will..." said the Doctor, as he and his companions go off to the TARDIS, which soon takes off as it vanishes from the scene, traveling through space and time once more.

DOCTOR WHO 1963 JDD VersionWhere stories live. Discover now