End Of The Fourth Hour

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Last time, the Doctor and his companions went to Gallifrey to stop the Master and the Demon trio from opening the Eye of Harmony, which they succeeded in, but the Master has managed to restore his regeneration cycle and regenerated into a new body, before he and the Demon trio escaped from the Time Lords. Now, the Doctor and his Toon companions were once again traveling through time and space in the TARDIS, before the sound of bells being rung. Jokey: "What's that?" Doctor: "That's the Cloister bells... oh no..." Melody: "What are they?" Doctor: "That's a warning that something is wrong with the TARDIS or something... it originates from the Cloister room, which is where the Eye of Harmony of the TARDIS is located." Gidget: "Wait... the Eye of Harmony?, I thought that was only on Gallifrey?" Doctor: "That's the original main Eye of Harmony... but there is a smaller version of it in each TARDIS, for the Eye of Harmony is not only the source of a Time Lord's regeneration cycle, but one of the power sources of a TARDIS that allows it to travel... anyway, if the Cloister bells are ringing... then something must be wrong... but what?" asked the Doctor to himself, before he noticed a shadow of what looked like a demon dragon looming on a wall, and he turned around to see a demon dragon. However, this one was smaller than the Demon trio, and he looked much older too with a cane. His name was Boney 10 (voiced by Mel Brooks), and Melody gasped in joy before running over to him and gave him a hug. Melody: "Boney 10!, it's really you!, you're okay!" Boney 10: "Oh... hello Melody, I didn't expected you or the other kids to be here..." Doctor: "Um... Melody... you know him?" Melody: "Yeah, Doctor, this is Boney 10, he was the one who helped me, my brother and our friends escape from the Demon trio the first time before meeting you." Tommy: "Wow... it's really you... I never thought we would see you again..." Boney 10: "I could say the same about you, what are you doing here?" Gidget: "Some time after we escaped, we met the Doctor here, and we've been traveling through space and time... but what about you?, we thought you... well... got killed..." Boney 10: "Don't be silly, I'm a demon dragon, I'm immortal." Doctor: "And yet... you saved the kids... I mean that's what Melody just said... right?" Boney 10: "Of course, I might be a demon, but I'm not all that evil, and I certainly can't stand letting a child be harmed... for I have a soft spot for children..." Doctor: "Yes... very understandable... but how did you get in here?" Boney 10: "Demons can get in places that most mortals can't... of course the TARDIS doesn't seemed to like me coming in here uninvited as it seems..." Jokeo: "Oh... you must be why the bells are ringing..." Boney 10: "Yeah... sorry about that, but I have to come here, to warn the Doctor that the Master and the Demon trio are attempting to use a radio telescope to transmit some hypnotic signal to control the lifeforms of the universe, and to control you so they can either destroy you or steal your souls." Jokey: "Uh oh..." Jokeo: "I don't like the sound of that..." Melody: "Me neither..." Gidget: "Oh my..." Tommy: "We gotta stop them..." Boney 10: "I can help you get to the radio telescope they're using... but Doctor... I must warn you... this might as well be your last adventure... in your fourth life I mean..." Melody: "What?" Tommy: "You mean... he's gonna regenerate again?" Jokeo: "How do you know that?" Boney 10: "Well... I can sometimes see glimpse of the future... which is how I know what the Master and the Demon trio are planning... and I saw the end of the Doctor's fourth life..." Doctor: "Are you sure?" Boney 10: "Well... not 100%... time could be rewritten and all that... but it would happen sooner or later... but if you don't stop the Master or the Demon trio from their plan... then no one will have a bright future ahead of them..." Doctor: "Well in that case... take us to the radio telescope..." Boney 10: "Of course." said Boney 10, before he vanishes and the TARDIS begins to somehow follow the Demon that was flying through the Time Vortex, and soon the ship and the demon appeared in an area where the radio telescope that the old demon mentioned was located. It wasn't long before the Doctor and his companions come out of the TARDIS, and sees the radio telescope. Tommy: "Is that it?" Boney 10: "Yes, that's it alright, and now you must go and stop the Master and the Demon trio." Gidget: "You're not coming with us?" Boney 10: "I wish I could... but there's only so much I'm allowed to do... and I'm much too old for that kind of action... and besides, this story is about you kids and the Doctor, not me, so you must be the ones to stop them, and you better do it quick, for time is running short at the moment." said Boney 10, before he vanishes from the scene, leaving the group alone in surprise. Jokeo: "Whoa... he disappeared..." Jokey: "Yeah... like as if he was never here..." Doctor: "Huh... I guess there are all kinds of demons in the universe..." Gidget: "Well we can't think of that now, we need to find the Master and the Demon trio and stop them before they transmit that mind controlling signal that would control not only everyone in the universe, but us too." Tommy: "Yeah, let's go!" so with that, the Doctor and the kids went off to the radio telescope and begin their way to find the Master and the Demon trio. After managing to avoid the guards, who were in a hypnotic trance at the moment due to the work of the Master, the Doctor and his companions were in the control room where they find both the Master and the Demon trio. Master: "So... the Doctor and his little gang of cartoonish freaks have come..." Gidget: "Cartoonish freaks?!" Master: "Well that's what you are." Doctor: "They are far more than that... they are wonderful children that deserve to see the stars and have a life." ScreamClaw: "As if we care about that, they owe us their souls and we're gonna have them, like it or not." ThunderSmacker: "So hand them over or we'll use the radio telescope to control all lifeforms in the universe." SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yeah... what he said..." Tommy: "Even if we do surrender ourselves, you would still use this place to control everyone anyway!" ThunderSmacker: "Hmm... you have a point there..." ScreamClaw: "Oh shut up!" Master: "Alright, but you still don't have a choice or the power to stop us." Doctor: "Wanna bet?" said the Doctor, before he and the Master went to fight one another, while the Demon trio begins chasing the Toon kids, who were all trying their best to avoid getting caught by them. While on the run, Gidget sees a nearby lake that was full of water, and she used her psychic powers to summon some of the lake's water to her and uses it to attack the Demon trio, who were taken a lot of damage from the water and steam came out of their bodies as they screamed in pain. ScreamClaw: "Ah!, the water!" ThunderSmacker: "The pain!" SpaceWarp: "The c-c-cold!" ScreamClaw: "Retreat!, back to the Underworld!" shouted ScreamClaw, before he and the other demons used their pitch forks to teleport themselves out of the scene, while the kids were trying to catch their breath from all the running they just did. Meanwhile, the Doctor quickly runs out onto the telescope's gantry to disconnect the power cable, which will prevent the Master from transmitting his hypnotic signal, but the Master in turn tilts the dish downwards. Left with only the cable supporting him, the Doctor tears it out of its housing, deactivating the dish, but also dropping the Doctor several hundred feet to the ground. The Master, realizing that his plan has been foiled, was forced to retreat back to his own TARDIS and left the scene. Once the danger was over, the kids went to begin searching for the Doctor. Tommy: "Doctor!" Gidget: "Doctor!, where are you?!" Melody: "Are you here?" Jokeo: "Where is he?" Jokey: "Uh... guys..." said Jokey, as he points his finger at the bottom of the radio telescope building, where the Doctor was located, laying on the ground. Gidget: "Oh my gosh!" Melody: "Doctor!" soon, the kids went down to where the Doctor was, who at the moment was very badly hurt from the fall he just took. Tommy: "Doctor... are you okay?" Melody: "Oh Doctor... please say you're okay..." Doctor: "... It's the end... for this life at least... but it marks the beginning of a new one..." Jokey: "But... do you really have to change?" Doctor: "I must... otherwise I'll be dead for good... besides... no matter who I become... I'll always be... the Doctor... and I was prepared for this moment..." said the Doctor, before he closes his eyes, and then some golden glow begin to cover up his face and body, while the kids took a few steps back as they know what's about to happen next. Suddenly, a burst of golden energy came out of the Doctor's head and hands as he regenerates into a body, which would be the body of the fifth Doctor.

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