The Celestial Toymaker

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Last time, the Doctor and the kids arrived to the 22nd century, where they ran into the Daleks again, who tried to extract the planet's core but failed thanks to Gidget and her psychic powers. Now the group were flying in the TARDIS, traveling in the Time Vortex while the Daleks were close behind them. Once they landed, they see that they landed somewhere in an Aztec temple in the 15th century in Mexico, and went out to take a look. However, they see that the Daleks were there and were coming towards them and ran back to the TARDIS and flew off once more. When they made another landing, it was in the plains of Troy, where they witnessed the Trojan Horse event, but it wasn't long before the Daleks showed up again and chased the group back into the TARDIS, which went back to flying in the Time Vortex. This time, when the TARDIS landed, the Doctor and the group were at ancient Egypt, but the Daleks have followed them there too, and so they had to fly into the Time Vortex once again. Tommy: "I don't believe this!, no matter where we go, the Daleks will follow us!" Gidget: "It's like they got a time machine of their own!" Doctor: "Perhaps so... but how, such technology is not something you would get easily." Jokeo: "That's coming from the man who has a time machine." Doctor: "True... but my people were the ones who have the technology, so how did the Daleks get it?" Jokey: "Maybe the Demon trio?" Gidget: "That's possible... they were the ones who lead the Daleks to us in the 22nd century..." Melody: "Isn't there anywhere we can go?" Doctor: "Well... not in this reality... but maybe..." said the Doctor, before he pulls some switches and pushed some buttons that sets the TARDIS to a new course, and that was when it enters a portal to an unknown location that the Dalek lost track of and went off to who knows where in time and space. Once the TARDIS made a landing, the group took some deep breaths, and tried to relax during the moment of silence. Melody: "Did we lose them?" Doctor: "I believe so... I lead the TARDIS to a hole in the Time Vortex that leads to another reality, where even the Daleks couldn't find us... so we should be safe." Tommy: "At the moment anyway..." Jokey: "So... what's out there?" Doctor: "No idea... it's another reality... where anything's possible..." Jokeo: "So... should we go out there or not?" Doctor: "Well... we certainly can't stay in here forever, now can we?, come on." so with that, the Doctor and the kids went out of the TARDIS, and see that they were in some large dark room that was empty, no signs of life anywhere. Gidget: "I don't like this... I got a bad feeling about this place..." Doctor: "What?, you don't like an empty room?" Gidget: "No... I got this strange feeling about this place..." Jokey: "Hey... which police box is ours?" Jokeo: "What are you talking about?" Jokey: "Well... look at all of the police boxes..." said Jokey, pointing at all of the police boxes that suddenly appeared out of nowhere, much to everyone's surprise. Tommy: "Okay... didn't see that coming..." Doctor: "How curious..." Melody: "Uh oh... which one is the TARDIS?" asked Melody, before a voice that said 'Yes, which one is it?' was heard, and a man appeared out of nowhere, much to everyone's surprise. The man in question was known as The Celestial Toymaker (played by Michael Gough), and he was the one in charge of the reality that the group were in at the moment. Tommy: "Who are you?" Toymaker: "I... am the Toymaker... and I welcome you all to my realm... where you will remain here forever... as my playthings..." Jokey: "No way!" Toymaker: "You have no choice, for in here, I am the master, and you are the toys." said the Toymaker, before he snaps his fingers and Jokey's shoes began to make Jokey dance around like crazy against his will, and the Toymaker begins to laugh in an arpeggio tune. Jokeo: "Hey Jokey, is this really a good time to dance?" Jokey: "It's not me!, my feet have a mind of their own!" Toymaker: "Actually... the feet have my mind, for anything in here is mine to play with, and if we want to leave here alive... play me some games." Doctor: "And if we refused?" Toymaker: "... Then you will automatically lose and you'll all be my play things forever... no hope of escaping... and no free will... so... care to play me some games now?" Jokey: "Uh... if it means getting me to stop dancing, sure!" said Jokey, before the Toymaker snaps his fingers again, and Jokey finally stopped dancing and falls down to catch his breath. Doctor: "What games do you have in mind for us?" Toymaker: "Well... for the kids... they'll be playing a game of hopscotch with my clowns... while you and I play a Trilogic game." Melody: "What's that?" Doctor: "A ten-piece puzzle, which is similar to the Tower of Hanoi, where pieces must all be moved and remounted in a 1023-move sequence, am I not correct?" Toymaker: "Spot on, now then... if you survive and win the games... you're free to go... but if you lose... you'll all be mine to play with forever, deal?" Doctor: "... We accept your challenge." Toymaker: "Good... then let the games begin..." said the Toymaker, before he and the Doctor went to another room to begin playing the Trilogic game, while the kids were about to play the hopscotch game with a pair of clowns that were originally dolls that transformed into people that can't talk. Jokey: "Whoa... he can turn toys into people?" Jokeo: "I guess so..." Melody: "Well... this should be fun." Jokey: "And it will be easy." Gidget: "Hmm... I don't know... this seems a little too easy for my taste..." Tommy: "Well we gotta play the game, otherwise we'll be trapped here forever." said Tommy, before he begins to hop on the hopscotch. But when he steps on the wrong spot by mistake, a piano fell from above and landed on top of Tommy. Gidget: "Oh my gosh!, Tommy!" Melody: "Big brother!" Jokey and Jokeo: "Little buddy!" cried out the other kids, before Tommy came out of the piano and had piano keys in his mouth, before he presses them to make some music and than spat them out. Tommy: "Hmm... out of tune..." Melody: "Big brother, are you alright?!" Tommy: "Yeah... it's a good thing I'm made of rubber, otherwise that would have really hurt..." Melody: "Or worse..." Gidget: "I knew it... the game has booby traps!" Jokeo: "Uh oh..." Jokey: "So that would mean..." Gidget: "If we make one mistake... the game will kill us..." Jokey: "Oh... yeah that's bad..." Tommy: "Well then we'll just have to play this carefully..." Melody: "Right..." so with that, the kids went to play the hopscotch game, and messed up a few times, but thanks to their Toon bodies, they were able to survive the traps and eventually made it to the other end while the clowns were crushed by a falling a piano. The kids have won the game at last, and then went off to find the Doctor and the TARDIS. Speaking of the Doctor, he was getting close to winning the game against the Toymaker, who was impressed by the Doctor's skill in the game. Toymaker: "I must say Doctor... out of all the players I've come across... noun have ever come as close to winning as you." Doctor: "Thank you... now then... once I put the final piece in place... I will win... am I not correct?" Toymaker: "Yes... however... there was a small detail I forgot to mention earlier... if you beat me... this reality will vanish... and you along with those kids and your TARDIS with it." Toon kids: "What?!" gasped the kids as they came to the scene. Toymaker: "Ah... I see you won the hopscotch game, very impressive." Jokeo: "Cheating liar!, you promised that we would go free if we win the game!" Toymaker: "First off... never call me a cheater, I never cheat, for that's something only losers would do... and I'm no loser... and second, I did promise to let you go free... I just forgot to mention that you need to find a way to do that if you can escape this realm before it vanishes... which would happen very quickly, at the very moment the game is over... and in case you're wondering, no I will not vanish too, for I am an immortal being that can create a new reality in here, and you can't go anywhere without your TARDIS, which you can't find in all of those police boxes around it." said the Toymaker with a smile, unaware that Gidget was using her psychic powers to find the TARDIS, which she was able to do and had a smirk on her face. Gidget: "Well yes... that would be a real challenge... I guess you won." Tommy: "What?!" Toymaker: "Good to hear." Gidget: "But before we stay as your toys forever... tell me... do the pieces move by hand... or by thought?" Toymaker: "By a command of the player of course..." Gidget: "Good to hear... Doctor... make the move." Doctor: "But little lady... if I do that..." Gidget: "Just do it!" Doctor: "Alright..." said the Doctor, before he calls the finishing move, and the final piece begins to move to place. However, Gidget and the others started to glow and got teleported back into the real TARDIS, which gets started and flew away, much to the Toymaker's shock and dismay as he realized that he lost as his realm begins to fade away, and the TARDIS managed to escape and was traveling back in the Time Vortex. Melody: "What just happened?" Gidget: "I managed to use my psychic powers to find the real TARDIS, which was the only one with an interior that was bigger on the inside... so once the Doctor made the finishing move, I used Teleport to get us back here and escape." Doctor: "Well played Gidget, very well played indeed." Tommy: "So that's the end of him... the Toymaker... right?" Doctor: "I don't know... maybe... or maybe not... who knows... his realm might have vanished... but I doubt he would as he was it's creator... so he could create a new one..." Jokeo: "So does that mean... we might see him again?" Doctor: "Hmm... maybe... one day... but never mind that... let's go see what else the universe has in store." said the Doctor, as he and the kids continue to fly through the Time Vortex inside the TARDIS.

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