The Sontaran Experiment

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Last time, the newly regenerated Fourth Doctor gets new clothes, before encountering a robot dog named K9, which turned out to be his own creation and best friend from his childhood. Now, the Doctor and his companions, including K9, were now traveling in the TARDIS through the Time Vortex. Doctor: "Now then... where shall we go?" K9: "Location and era does not matter for me as long as master is there." Doctor: "Alright... then perhaps... here we go." said the Doctor, before he pushes some buttons and pulls a switch that sets the TARDIS to land somewhere at last. When the group got out, they see that they were on what looked like a space station that was orbiting above the Earth, but in another time. Tommy: "Where are we?" Doctor: "A space station above planet Earth... more than 10,000 years in the future..." Jokey: "Really?, but where are all the people?" Jokeo: "Yeah... I mean shouldn't there be a crew here or something?" K9: "Affirmative." Gidget: "Hmm... maybe they're somewhere else in the station... as it looks like this place is pretty big..." Melody: "Really?, it's kinda hard to tell from here..." Sarah Jane: "So... should we look for the crew?" Doctor: "Well... maybe... depending on if they're friendly or not... and if they like a jelly baby..." Jokey and Jokeo: "A what?" Doctor: "A jelly baby, would you like a jelly baby?" asked the Doctor, before he gives the twins some candy that he calls a jelly baby, and the twins tried them and they seemed to like them. Jokey: "Not bad... but why are they called jelly babies?" Doctor: "Well not sure really, they were originally called Peace babies that are English sweets made to celebrate the end of World War I in the year of 1918, and had the name changed sometime after 1936... but never mind that, do you like them?" Jokeo: "Well... they are sweet, but shouldn't we focus on finding the crew?" Doctor: "Yes, of course, let's go meet the crew, shall we?" said the Doctor, before he and the others begin their search for the crew of the space station, but so far no sign of them anywhere. Suddenly, K9 stopped and detected something dangerous. K9: "Alert!, danger nearby!" Sarah Jane: "Are you sure?" Doctor: "What is it boy, what's wrong?" K9: "Sensors detect hostile alien life form, species... Sontaran." Sarah Jane: "Wait... Sontaran... like the warrior that teamed up with the Demon trio to kidnap those scientist in the Middle Ages?" Doctor: "Yes... I believe that what that warrior was... but if there's really a Sontaran here, and if he's like the one we met before... then there's a good chance that we and the crew here are in danger..." K9: "Affirmative..." Melody: "Oh no... we gotta save them!" Gidget: "If it isn't already too late, that is..." Tommy: "Yeah... but wait... K9... you said that you can detect the Sontaran... right?" K9: "Affirmative." Tommy: "So then... where is the Sontaran?" K9: "In the room behind the door up ahead." said K9, before the others looked at the door in front of them. Sarah Jane: "So... the Sontaran's in there?" K9: "Affirmative." Doctor: "Right... in that case... we must use the element of surprise..." Gidget: "Will it work?" Doctor: "No idea... but we must do this carefully... we don't know if it's just one Sontaran or more..." Jokey: "There's only one." Sarah Jane: "How do you know... [seeing Jokey opening the door and looks inside] Jokey no!" but it was too late, the Sontaran warrior, who goes by the name of Field Major Styre (played by Kevin Lindsay), sees the intruders and sends a robot to capture the group. Once they were captured, the Doctor and his companions see that they were not alone, for it seems that the missing crew were there and were being experimented on. Jokeo: "Nice going bro..." Jokey: "Sorry..." Field Major Styre: "That is the least of your worries, for soon this planet will belong to the Sontarans, and the people there will be the perfect guinea pigs for our experiments." Sarah Jane: "But you can't just kidnap and experiment on people!, it's inhuman!" Styre: "We Sontarans are not humans, so it doesn't matter to us." Gidget: "It does matter, for humanity is a lot more than just being a human!, it's also the heart!, and experimenting on people is cruel and wrong!" Styre: "Well we are warriors that are at war, we do what must be done to win them, even if it's not pretty." Melody: "But the people of Earth can't fight back like you!, there's no honor in fighting someone that can't fight back!" Styre: "Hmm... I suppose that's a fair point... but they can fight back, they have technology that is beyond anything in the universe, and are waiting for a war with us." Tommy: "What are you talking about?" Doctor: "I agree... the Earth in this era doesn't have technology that can rival many worlds... and they certainly are not planning to go to war with any aliens, let alone the Sontarans." Styre: "That's not they told me." Sarah Jane: "They who?" asked Sarah Jane, before a crazy evil laugh was heard, and the Demon trio flew down to the scene. ScreamClaw: "They us of course." ThunderSmacker: "Did you miss us?" SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yeah... did ya?" Melody: "The Demon trio!" Doctor: "Should have figured that you would show up sooner or later..." ScreamClaw: "Ah... Doctor... I see you regenerated... was the spider bite too much for you to handle?" ThunderSmacker: "Obviously, otherwise he wouldn't have a different face now." SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yeah... a goofball with a lot of s-s-scarfs..." Doctor: "Oi!, there is nothing wrong with what I'm wearing." ScreamClaw: "Are you kidding?, who goes around wearing so many scarfs?" Doctor: "I would." Sarah Jane: "Never mind about the scarfs, why did you tell that Sontaran that the planet wants war with his people?" ThunderSmacker: "To trick him on helping us capturing you of course." Styre: "What?!" SpaceWarp: "Uh... I d-d-don't think you should have said t-t-that..." Styre: "Indeed not... you three will pay for this deception!" said the Sontaran, before he starts firing his gun at the Demon trio, who begins to make a run for it, trying to escape from the angry Sontaran. Gidget was able to use her psychic powers to bring the key to her and unlock the cage that she and the others were locked up in, freeing everyone at last. Melody: "Now what?" Tommy: "We gotta get out of here." Jokey: "Hey, maybe this button will open the lab door." said Jokey, before he pressed the button, but then alarms went off and a computer voice that said 'space station will self-destruct in 1 minute' was heard, leaving everyone gasp in shock. All: "Jokey!" shouted everyone, which made Jokey chuckle in a nervous way while shrugging his shoulders. Doctor: "Quickly everyone, head for my ship!, hurry!" called out the Doctor, who manged to find the real button that opens the lab doors, before he and everyone, including the space station crew, ran off to the TARDIS, went inside it and the ship vanished from the space station, which of course blows up into a million pieces. When the TARDIS reappears, it was on Earth, and the doors opened up to allow the remaining crew of the space station to exit out and be able to reunite with their families of the planet. Once the crew were out and thanked the Doctor and his companions for saving them from the Sontaran and the Demon trio, the time travelers went back into the TARDIS, which of course vanishes from the scene. K9: "Is master and companions still breathing?" Tommy: "Yeah... we're alive..." Melody: "And so were those people... still... I can't believe that alien would have the nerve to experiment on people..." Gidget: "Me neither... it's despicable..." Jokey: "Well at least it's all over now." suddenly, the time travelers see the Time Lord trio that they've met before, who appeared inside the TARDIS. First Time Lord: "Doctor... we have a mission for you." Second Time Lord: "Yes... one that will decide the fate of the whole universe." Third Time Lord: "Including Gallifrey." said the trio of Time Lords, which caught the attention of the Doctor and his companions.

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