Baby you're a firework

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Tonight (outfit 20) instead of people coming to us we went to them intro ourselves shook hands the whole bit. Buddy got this phone call the clients want Buddy and Mauro to go out to Long Island and of course Buddy doesn't go anywhere with me so that I feel included. So we go out we meet the Grucci family. He says when you think fireworks this is who you think of that they have done some of the biggest fireworks in the world. And my question is this.... Why? How often do you need actual fireworks? Ok say you're team wins or they're going to the world series or the Superbowl or whatever the big leagues are for your sport. Sure ok. But I'm thinking 4th of July or Disney or New Years eve some places. But you know NY is kind of show boat-y. Somehow this doesn't surprise me. But living in NY not a lot of things surprise me anymore. These guys set the bar for what fireworks should be. And now they needed a cake for the dad's birthday. He was the founder and inspiration and they wanted to do a cake in his honor.

Buddy said it was funny because a few weeks ago he made a cake for our father's memorial. He told them how our dad was our founder of where we worked and because of the fireworks and the families and the fathers he wanted to make them a big crazy cake. She told us it had to be the big one. Our clients told us that they were noted for firework shows in the NY harbor The Statue of Liberty the The Brooklyn Bridge and they were hoping those landmarks would be somehow incorporated into the cake as well as fireworks. They said they would provide us with some and we could incorporate those into the cake was well. Buddy said we'd probably have the Statue of Liberty in the middle as it seemed like kind of the center piece and have their dad at the bottom leaning against it. That he was getting ready to light some fireworks. We all agreed that would be cool so we were all on the same page.

But then they say wait we got a surprise for you. They ask us if we want to see some fireworks. We hope this will make his creative juices pumping as he put it. He puts a walkie talkie up to Buddy and with a big smile on his face he says fire. And at the launch word we see the fireworks go off it was amazing but also very loud. We had never been that close to fireworks before. It was like being a little kid having your very own firework show. How much better can it get to get inspiration for this cake. So here comes the first draft of the cake he wanted to make Manhattan and Hoboken and Brooklyn and have the building structures do the 3 landmarks so The Statue of Liberty sitting between Manhattan and Hoboken and The Brooklyn Bridge connecting to Manhattan with all of these sky scrapers 4 or 5 foot tall if that was really his plan this was gonna be a very tall very heavy cake. And every structure was gonna have fireworks shooting up out of it. So we gather the team tell them the plan talk about the delegates and then we could figure out where he was gonna put me so that I can help somewhere on something.

So he had Frankie Cristine and Violet cutting and filling the pound cake for the buildings. So I start helping out there that part is easy. Then he wanted to know how things were going and having the skewers in there made things so much easier and they were staying better this way too. For some reason this confused him but we had 3 pipes one for each structure. And he wanted to run wires through there. And then he starts talking about how our clients would attach the fireworks to the top. Next I started helping Sunshine with make the fondant but it's probably best I stay away from the sculpting part and not get in Toni's way with that. She's making modeling chocolate figure that looks like the dad. Daniella was doing structure for the Statue of Liberty. To start we were using one of those PVC pipes as the frame. Her torch was going to be one of the places where the fireworks came out of. The base was made of cereal treats and then we were gonna cover it with fondant. So we got that going in the color we needed we started wrapping it around the structure to make it look more like a statue. Though it had looked more like pizza dough when you first make it before you shape it.

Since it wasn't perfect yet or perfectly shaped yet and still had wrinkles that needed to look more like a statue so I help with that. And while we're over here working like maniacs as Buddy says his wife calls for him. She's calling to remind Buddy that it's Buddy Jr.'s bring your dad to school day tomorrow. He tells her he's excited about it and thinks they should make little cakes little individual cakes and the father and son can decorate them together. Family comes first it's very important to me and to Buddy so he tells Frankie and I about going to little Buddy's school. And Mauro is there listening to. He tells us his plan says this was something I can help with that he's thinking each kid could do like polka dots and a bow on with their dad. And then we get to the how many part he says 15 17 and make 17 so there will be a couple extra. They say it won't be a problem. Buddy loves his kids and he loves spending time with his kids and does anything he can. Because they love coming to see Buddy and they love seeing aunt Farrah and he tries to do anything he can because his family and his kids all know that he works so hard.

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