When mama's not happy ain't nobody happy

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I can't remember what this last cake was for but I'll tell you this it (skiing cake)they were just finishing up this cake but as you know it's all go go go around here. I knew as soon as they got this cake off to whoever ordered it we would have at least two more orders specialty wise coming in. And you know over the years her at Carlos Bakery it's been very known for the specialty cakes. We're pretty much famous for it. You guys remember the fishing boat cake and the fashionista cake the firetruck cake with the real smoke and engine going. And of course who can forget the Roulette wheel cake? It actually spun! People come to my brother for their specialty cakes you won't find these in any grocery store. But could you image if you could?! Of course there was the Easter Bunny cake. That was fun. Of course we also had the Bi-plane we made recently and mama's flower pot cake.

But now here we (outfit 12)were sitting in the lobby and these people were in dark colors just like I was. They started off saying they needed a cake. Well gee I guess they came to the right place. It's like we're a bakery or something. And they heard he was the man to talk to. He agreed and confirmed that this much was correct. So what's the occasion a wedding? He asked. As if we're not always doing wedding cakes in here. They said not exactly that it was a little different than a wedding they were having something called a zombie walk. My ears perked up at that as if I were a cat. This peeked my interest. It was a gathering of people of zombie lovers zombie movie lovers they told us where it was to take place and they talked about the makeup and how they walk through the centre town. And they need a cake because at the end they were having a zombie prom as their after party.

Prom night of the living dead as they put it. And they wanted a really gruesome cake. Really over the top with blood and guts. They wanted the cake to look like it was rotting. Buddy feels that he is really out of his element. That he was used to making all these really pretty things. This was more up my alley and something I could really help on. He's made me Halloween themed cakes for my birthday before I didn't see why this was really all that different other than the fact that I'd never asked for anything as gruesome as this. As he brought me back upstairs when we were done and we gathered everyone together to tell them about this new cake. They were talking about wanting to rig something to make blood ooze out of the brain. One of the designer girls was talking about how if they were dressed like zombies they would be tearing into one big cake and she was talking about how they could just eat the brain they were talking about triggers and Buddy was asking questions about the rotten flesh stuff.

They were talking about having little pieces of limbs here and there. Mauro was talking about putting pieces of a heart and pieces of an arm on the floor. How we would have half of it's head open. And the design girl (I think this one is Sunshine) she was with me on this talking about how the zombie could maybe be eating it's own brain. But Buddy said they didn't want zombie brains that they were very crystal clear on that. I took all the notes they wanted or didn't want. I saw the drawing he was making with the zombie you know coming out of the ground with the headstone it looked good so far and the blood and limbs that would be a nice touch. Now I'm not into scary things or horror movies or whatever I'm afraid of everything pretty much and I have the scream to prove it but I love Halloween. And then Buddy told us what his idea was for the cake he said he wanted a tombstone and a cake that looked like it had dirt with the zombie hands and forearms and his shoulders and head coming out of the ground. He wanted a brain in his hand he wanted blood and flesh and body parts all over the cake.

Everyone went to go start on their assigned assignments for the cake Buddy said he wanted to build a tombstone in the back. It looked like from the looks of things the cake was being made of pound cake. It seems to be the most structured kind of cake for building things. He talked about putting rods in the cake and screwing them in and how he wanted a rectangular for the bottom. He said he went with red velvet because it looked creepy and the most like blood. So the tombstone part of the cake looked like pound cake but the other part of the cake was a creepy blood red red velvet cake. The put 3 layers of this down to make the ground and 10 layers of shaped pound cake just like I was telling you about to make the tombstone and then it was time to dirty ice it. So that it would be nice and smooth and even. And then before we can do anything else they have to put it in the fridge downstairs so that the ice will harden. Downstairs the rest of the girls including mama were helping the customers.

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