Where there's smoke there's fire

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At work today Buddy came in holding a firetruck toy in his hands saying something about a specialty cake or something. Is our little Aura here yet from school? Anyone know if she's coming in today? You know she doesn't just work at the bakery right? Yeah I know I know. But things run so much smoother when she's here. You know? I really like having her around. Well you know you could call her and see if she's thinking about coming in today. Someone suggested. Nah it's ok we gotta get to work and I don't wanna bother her if she's busy. She'll come in when she feels like it. Team meeting. He announced. I'm here (outfit 2) I call rushing in and putting down my bag by my assigned designated desk. So Bud I see that firetruck toy on the table currently and I'm guessing it has to do with a cake. You're right it was for a retired fireman.

And then he turns to the cameras and says that it was a good thing. That he had a local fireman come in said he wanted Buddy to make this cake as they sat down at a table within the bakery. The fireman wanted him to make a cake for this retirement home for these firemen that are sick and disabled who put their lives on the line for us. They told him they wanted it to look real like a real firetruck. The sirens and lights if at all possible. And wasn't sure if we could do that kind of thing or not. And Buddy couldn't exactly turn it down. He said that it was gonna look so real he wasn't gonna want to even touch it. You're gonna think it's on fire. He told the fireman guy. Fast forward that brings us to the toy firetruck on the table. I'm gonna chainsaw this toy up and we're gonna get the electrical parts out of it. There's no textbook for this you can't read it.

You can't find a book on how to make it. So the guys and I got all gathered around by Buddy with notepad and paper and not only is Joey a baker he also does other things like me he's actually a fireman two days a week. But Joey said Buddy's drawing was all wrong. And then it was Joey's turn in the hot seat in front of the cameras. He tells them that we're doing the cake for the firefighters and they'll look at it and say it looks great but that it's all wrong. He talked about the engine and where the water was supposed to go. And how water doesn't actually go in the engine. So what's the difference between a fire truck and a fire engine? Buddy asked. And is there a difference? He asked again. Apparently a fire truck has a ladder and engine has water. And they want an engine so they want water. But did we know what one looked like?

And our brother in law Joey he could tell just how frustrated Buddy looked and we could both tell that the wheels were beginning to turn a little bit. And Buddy just wasn't getting what he wanted. I just wish I could see it. Buddy said. You want a real fire truck I can get you a real fire truck. So Buddy tells him to call them up. And next thing I know we're all standing out there and these fire trucks are right outside the bakery. Wow! I exclaim in awe. You wanted a fire truck there's your fire truck. He says to Buddy as he ruffles my hair. And there's the engine. Ok well I wanna look at the engine. Buddy tells him. Once we get started Frankie is told to take photos of the truck. There's a hose and the sirens and what different things on the truck looks like. And then he talks about the hydrant how they hook it up. You drive it up front and hook it up Joey was explaining. He was talking about the pumps and the how the water goes and that the pump panel was always on the driver's side. And then he shows us all the controls.

Said that everyone was gonna look at the cake and dissect it. And back at the camera that this is for real firemen.... Well what as opposed to? But either way it has to look good so he shows me what he wants the cake look like how he pictures it in his head it's got a burning building he let's it be known this is not just a fire truck this is gonna be a fire scene. So we'll have the fire truck with a guy holding a hose with it squirting water out of it. People in the building screaming. He says he wants it to have smoke lights sirens that this "thing" aka the cake is gonna be nuts. IDK about the smoke but the cake should have the lights and sirens on it cause that's what the client asked for and I knew that buddy can do it. So kid wanna take a ride in the fire truck? Joey asks me. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I jump up and down with joy. Ok ok but just once around the block I want you and Cristine Tony and Sunshine to work on the sculpting. You got it! I climb aboard the firetruck with Joey and we even get the lights and sirens going I got to wear a hat and everything I felt like a little kid.

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