Challenge accepted!

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Today (outfit 18) we met with a client named Louis he was dressed so nicely as the 3 of us sat at the table and heard his request for what kind of cake he wanted Buddy to make. He was a regular he gets his birthday cakes from us every year so of course we were very happy to see him. And each year he asks Buddy to do something bigger and different and crazy. Which of course not a problem. One year he a did a 50s theme. It had reds and blacks and music notes and stars and records and it was for his 21st birthday. One year it was Black Tie and so was the cake it was dressed like a tuxedo. One year was a casino theme and it looked like a slot machine. He really likes the cakes to be the crowning jewel of his parties. This year's theme was gonna be tiki. Everyone was basically gonna be dressed like they were on a trip in Hawaii. Floral gear Hula dancers fire dancers and there will be a grand finale. But then he said we would put the cake down everyone would see it and there would be this big flame coming up.

Then would've been the perfect time for record screech noise. Fire coming up out of what? The cake?! Buddy was laughing now but we had to somehow have fire in this cake. He felt Louis was pushing the envelope but he and I both knew that if anyone could do it would be Buddy. You can do it Buddy I have faith in you if anyone can do it you can. I encouraged a hand on his shoulder. You're always up for the challenge. This is no different except now we're adding an element. So now was the time for the gears to start working. When Louis said Tiki theme I already had a picture in my mind of erupting volcanoes and tiki heads all around. Buddy started as he drew me a picture of what he was seeing. This was part of the process get the client details with the little sister let her be involved in someway so that she feels helpful show her what the plan is that kind of thing. Her of course being me. I love meeting new people and seeing what Buddy comes up with it's like when an artist or cartoon person does a concept art but it changes to fit like the situation or like idea or plot.

With the fire he's saying how he was gonna have tiki torches on the corners but for the real wow factor we knew Louis would be looking for is that he was gonna do a giant Tiki G-D and it was gonna blow real fire out of its mouth. We weren't sure how he was gonna do it but I knew he could pull it off. This cake was gonna be hot like smokin' hot! He had Tone Tone and Mauro working on the non editable parts for now and wrapping them with something that was going to be while he was on the phone talking to someone else about how this fire thing was gonna work. Something about a pipe or whatever I guess and the other person was gonna otherwise make the fire part and stand behind it. Sending a puff through and it will come out of its mouth. The way he said it was gonna spit fire was that he was gonna have the Tiki G-D wearing a mask and then he was gonna get an actual fire breather to stand behind the cake and well you know the rest. It's funny actually because I have to be there anyways. I was the captain of my dance team and one of the teachers at the school I go to they have connections to this client and we were supposed to learn some Hula dance just without like the coconut bras and grass skirts and one of the people on our team it's a co ed team so one of the guys can also breathe fire and do the fire dance.

He claims he's done it before. But you know this is Hoboken anything is possible technically we're in NJ but anything is possible in NY. So I'll have to be there early to be there with the dancers. I had no idea this was for the same thing but I knew the name sounded so familiar. We would do our dance our tricks our whatever and then I would be dismissed and finish whatever delivers with Buddy if there were anymore at that point. And knowing there was gonna be fire where we were gonna be dancing was a little scary. I don't do fire. So working on a cake I'd actually get to eat was gonna be so fun. But I don't do icing and frosting so I would be scraping it off Buddy loves the stuff I don't like the texture and some kinds it makes my throat tickle and I think it tastes bad but mostly I think it's a texture thing. I cough when I eat icing and frosting the only kind I don't mind is the mini cupcakes you eat in one bite or the frosted sugar cookies. And you know my brother knows this he makes me personally a cookie cake and insists on making a theme cake anything I want I've told him he doesn't have to he says it's his gift for me which I'm fine with. Though on the cookie cake it's a personal sized one in fancy cursive in the colors I like. It's like when you're a little kid and you get a smash cake or the top layer of a wedding cake is the smallest. But cookie cake.

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