chapter thirty-one.

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chapter thirty-one / dirty rotten scoundrels❛ i was dyin' in a getaway car ❜

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chapter thirty-one / dirty rotten scoundrels
i was dyin' in a getaway car ❜

Kaz pretended like Michael's remark didn't make his heart stop, and he hoped no one would tell how his ears burned

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Kaz pretended like Michael's remark didn't make his heart stop, and he hoped no one would tell how his ears burned. He narrowed his eyes at Michael and tilted his head, trying to act confused, though it wasn't much of a ruse. Kaz gave the Duke a polite nod to dismiss himself and walk toward his crows.

"What did he say to you?" Jesper looked at Kaz funny, scrunching his eyebrows together.

Michael must not have spoken very loudly, which relieved Kaz. He could make something up. Kaz shrugged. "Nothing important."

Jesper opened his mouth to respond, but he was interrupted by Saoirse taking a large gulp of clean air. Cecily ran to her sister and threw her arms around the girl. In the commotion, Kaz pulled the Crows out of the ballroom and into the foyer where he had just been holding Eulalie. There was a residual puddle from their wet clothing under a painting of forget-me-nots. Only one of the flowers hung over the black vase, defeated and deprived of water.

"We're getting the Downings out of here," Kaz said, turning around once they'd passed the artwork.

"We are?" Jesper asked in shock, and Wylan elbowed him.

"I would rather not be the one to find out what lengths Eulalie will go to protect her family. As we speak, she is ripping the house apart for Pollyanna and hunting down Dara," Kaz replied frankly.

"Should one of us go after Eulalie?" suggested Nina.

"No. Why would we do that?" Kaz gave her a shocked look down.

Nina shrugged and formed her lips into a thin line. "Just a thought. If you make up your mind, I'm not going. I've already revived one of them, and it was a lot harder than I'm used to."

"Me neither," Jesper agreed with a nod. "I always knew Dara was suspicious."

"No, you didn't," said Inej.

"You don't know that."

"I know for a fact you never thought it was Dara. I wouldn't be surprised at all if you thought it was Killian." Inej crossed her arms.

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