chapter seven.

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chapter seven   /   dirty rotten scoundrels❛ 'till the bone crush

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chapter seven / dirty rotten scoundrels
'till the bone crush.

When the morning came, Kaz sent Nina to bring Eulalie and her sister to Fifth Harbor, where he and the rest of the Crows would meet them

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When the morning came, Kaz sent Nina to bring Eulalie and her sister to Fifth Harbor, where he and the rest of the Crows would meet them. Since Nina spoke Kaelish fluently, she was the perfect option to retrieve the girls. However, things weren't running as smoothly as Kaz had hoped.

Kaz pulled a small golden pocket watch from his vest and frowned. He grew impatient while standing by the docks. The soft lapping of seawater seemed to mock him as he directed his piercing stare away from the shipyard. A glimpse of Nina and the Downing sisters saved him from further torment. Nina seemed to be very proud of herself. Her rosy cheeks were upturned with a smile.

And Eulalie was looking as gray as ever. Her dark hazel eyes were hollow and hung low, like she had just seen a ghost. She looked like she hadn't slept in days. It was very well possible after what she had told him. Kaz hadn't slept the months after Jordie's death. But that was different. Wasn't it? Kaz thought to himself as Eulalie and her sister approached.

"Brekker," she said, confident as ever, "this is my younger sister, Cecily."

"You brought a live one," Kaz heard himself say.

"Either that, or you're seeing things," Cecily replied, reaching out her hand.

Eulalie swatted her hand away and gave her sister a scolding look. Cecily returned with a confused one as if they were having a silent conversation. Kaz adjusted his grip on his cane, shifting his weight and his eyes from one sister to the other.

"Well?" Eulalie demanded.

Kaz narrowed his eyes at her belligerence. From what Wylan said, Kaz had thought her to be a lady of the Court. "We'll take it," Kaz said after a moment. He paused to watch Eulalie's empty gaze light up as it had in the office behind the Crow Club. "On one condition—"

"I already gave you conditions, Brekker," Eulalie replied quickly, interrupting him. Kaz did not like being interrupted.

"I am aware. I'm proposing an alliance between the Dregs and the House of Downing," he replied, not letting his growing annoyance slip.

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