chapter five.

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chapter five   /   dirty rotten scoundrels❛ i'm on waves, out being tossed

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chapter five / dirty rotten scoundrels
i'm on waves, out being tossed.
content warning: kidnapping, sex trafficking, murder

As Eulalie walked down the poorly lit hallway leading to her room in the Slat, the creaky floorboards beneath her echoed with each step

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As Eulalie walked down the poorly lit hallway leading to her room in the Slat, the creaky floorboards beneath her echoed with each step. The air was stale with the scent of aged wood. She felt a shiver creep down her spine.

As she reached to unlock the door to her room, a sudden force pulled her back, causing her heart to race. A sharp gasp escaped her lips as she spun around, ready to strike. The world seemed to freeze for a moment as a hand covered her mouth, stifling her screams. A large pair of dark brown eyes bore into her.

"What the hell were you thinking?" Cecily hissed, her eyes widening. "Impetuously running away to the most vile place I can even stand to imagine... Papa warned Rhiannon about Ketterdam, and she listened. Why didn't you?"

Eulalie, still caught off guard, managed to wriggle out of Cecily's grip, her mind racing to comprehend the situation. "Why did you follow me?" she asked, keeping her voice low.

"I asked first." Cecily stood back, arms crossed over her chest.

"I have a plan," Eulalie replied, turning around and toying with the key in her hands. She wrestled the key into the lock, avoiding her sister's eyes. The thought of the bed being big enough for both of them crossed her mind; she hoped it would spare her from returning to the club and asking Kaz for another room.

"Plan? A plan for what?" Cecily pressed, stubbornly querying her sister.

"Rhiannon was murdered—"

"Oh, drop it!"

"No! Rhiannon wouldn't commit suicide. She was killed. It's not just her either. Fiona was thrown off those cliffs." Eulalie's voice trailed off as she recalled Fiona's tragic end.

Cecily tried to suppress a laugh. "All right, I'll bite. By whom?"

"I don't know," Eulalie replied flatly.

"Of course not," Cecily said, rolling her eyes as they walked into the room. "In the morning, we're going straight home."

"You're going straight home. I have business I intend to finish," Eulalie countered, turning around and jabbing a finger at her sister.

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