Essential (Pick/Rome) - Colour of Soulmark

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Author's note: Part 15/??

The silence in the room suddenly seemed heavier. Rome tried to start the conversation, but he wasn't sure how. The questions swirled inside his brain and he couldn't pick which one to ask first. Pick must have felt the same way. He slowly turned their clasped hands, exposing the dark letter imprinted into Rome's skin. Pick's breath hitched, seeing the first initial of his name in black. Rome thought about the first time, he spotted the mark on Pick's skin and could relate to the older male's feelings. The sight could be overwhelming.

"It's black." Pick pointed out. 

"Yes. It turned black." Rome confirmed. 

"Are you mad?" Rome had to ask. Pick's scrunched face scared him. 

"No... I... I am happy." Pick averted his eyes from the mark and looked at Rome. 

"I am happy too." Rome smiled. 

"But what does it mean for us, P'Pick?" He couldn't help but ask. Even though their marks were now dark, it didn't ultimately mean they would be together. It was essential for the two soulmates to learn about each other. Hurrying into things this soon could only bring them heartache. 

"I want to be with you, Rome." Pick started.

"I want to be with you, too." Rome agreed. 

"But let's take things slow." The older male confirmed Rome's suspicion. 

"Okay, P'Pick. Let's get to know each other." Rome squeezed Pick's palm in confirmation. 

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