Product (Off/Gun)

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"Are you sure, it will help me?" Gun eyed the product in the white tube suspiciously. New nodded eagerly. 

"It helped me too. Look, I don't have freckles here anymore." The taller male pointed at his cheek. Gun leaned closer, observing his friend's face. He wasn't entirely convinced. After all, the label was unknown to him. 

"I don't know, New." Gun hesitated. He did want to get rid of the freckles running across the bridge of his nose, but he hesitated. 

"I am a bit afraid it would damage my skin." He scrunched his nose. 

"You know, how sensitive it is." He pouted. The door to the resting room opened, revealing Off and Tay. 

"What are you two doing?" Tay asked, walking towards them. He occupied the empty spot beside New, leaving Off without a place to sit. 

"I am giving Gun an advice." New grinned. Off's eyebrow raised. 

"Nothing good ever came out of your advice." He pointed out as he shuffled towards Gun. The younger stood up automatically, allowing his boyfriend to take his place. Off settled down and pulled Gun on his lap. 

"I feel offended." New gasped. 

"He has a point, Hin." Tay agreed with his best friend. Gun giggled at their opinion exchange. 

"What did he tell you, baby?" Off directed the question at him. Gun pulled the small tube from his breast pocket and showed it to his partner. Off scanned it with interest before a frown appeared on his face.

"What's this?"

"It should help me get rid of the freckles." 

Off silently raised his hand, touching lightly Gun's cheek and nose. The fondness in his eyes brought a smile to Gun's face. 

"I love those tiny dots on you. They are making you even more adorable." Off stated. 

"Really, Papii?" Gun's heart fluttered. 

"Of course, baby. You have to be close to notice them, so they're just for me to see." He added before he kissed the tip of Gun's nose. 

"Get a room, you two." Tay huffed, breaking the moment. The pair turned to their friends, smiling. 

"Take it back." Gun handed the tube to New. There was no need to get rid of the thing his Papii loved about him.

OffGun April Collection of Drabbles 2024Where stories live. Discover now