【 Exiled?】

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Requested by: Twisted_Rainbow_fan


Tommy sighed, sat in his little tent with nothing to do for the day. Dream had already came by and destroyed all his progress, so he practically had given up for today.

He looked outside, sun high in the sky. Burning up the grass and leaves.

Small footsteps came from the left side of Tommy's tent, and a knocking on one of the wooden poles sounded. "Tommy?" A gentle voice asked, revealing herself with a smile.

"Niki?! Oh thank fuck, you're here!" Tommy shot up from his uncomfortable looking sleeping bag, looking pumped already. "Y-Yeah, I brought a cake for you!" She held out a mini cake, as Tommy's jaw opened wide. "Fuck yeah- thanks Niki-" He took the cake, flopping back down onto his stiff blankets.

Niki nodded, softly sitting in front of Tommy. She and the child spoke for a bit, talking about the mainland, what's been going on, and mostly updating Tommy about the newest things. He hated how he had to miss all this stuff, only fueling his everlasting hatred for Dream.

Before either of them knew it, the sun had already begun to set as the nightly critters came into view.

"Awe shit- it's night already?" Tommy said in disappointment, yawning. "Oh.. it seems it is.." Niki snickered softly at the childlike yawn from Tommy. "I think I better be going now, good luck with everything, Tommy!" She stood up, starting to walk away.

But a large pond, surrounding the tent rose up from the dirt. Although, it didn't look like normal water. It was a sticky, slime-like black substance.

Niki picked up her foot, seeing it stuck to the bottom of her shoe. "Is this some kind of prank, Tommy?" Niki put here hand on her hips sassily and stared at Tommy. "Hell no- I'm stuck as well- see?" *He picked up his arm, showing he was stuck as well.

"Weird. Well- I'll just get out-" *Niki tried to step away, only to get grabbed by a thick tentacle make by the same black goo. "Shit." Tommy was grabbed by the same thing, and they were both pulled into the abyss by the tentacles.


After having fallen down for a couple moments, Tommy and Niki landed in a thick pile of snow. Spitting out some dirt, the short blonde (I mean his hair, not actual height idiots-) sitting up on his knees. "What the-" Niki huffs and brushes off her clothing. "Don't even finish that sentence, child." Tommy stands up and opens his mouth to retaliate, but is interrupted by some kind of short, bald, monster.

"Mweheheh! Looks like two more humans have made their way to the Underground!" Tommy squinted at the small monster, looking at him in confusion. "What the fuck are you-" Niki shoved him. "Don't be rude, Tommy." He rolled his eyes.

"Hey Papy, come check this out!!!" The small, boney monster called. Another skeleton, way taller than the other, came up to Niki and Tommy. "Huh. You actually found some..."

"I told you, I told you! There's no way Captain Alphys will decline to me now!" The tall, orange sweatshirt wearing skeleton chuckled. "Calm down, bro. They're probably confused."

"Fuck yeah we are- what the hell is this?! Some cult?!!?" Tommy exclaimed kicking aside a tiny rock. "No? Well, I'm the magnificent Sans! Or Swap, if you prefer! Mwehe!" The small skeleton, known as 'Swap,' did an iconic pose, winking at the two.

"Sans...? Like that one-" Tommy was muffled as Niki shoved a hand over his mouth. "It's great to meet you, Swap! And who are you?" She turned to the taller skeleton. "Papyrus. Some people call me Honey or Stretch, though." Niki nodded, now holding out her hands to shake the two brother's hands. They both accepted, as Tommy pouted on the side.

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