"𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕗𝕦𝕔𝕜?!" | 𝓗𝓸𝓻𝓻𝓸𝓻𝓓𝓾𝓼𝓽

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my brain is begging for horrordust so here we go i guess

warning this is very improvised bc im just bored rn and horror is whacking my skull with an axe


Dust's POV

'Great...' He thinks, sandals pressing into the thick and damp snow. Nothing but the sound of Dust's breathing echoes through the Underground, only letting the voices deep down scream louder. They mortify him, almost able to see him standing there, with the same pitiful look in his eyes.

'Of course Nightmare decided to send me here, not so that I could find the Star Sanses, but so he could torture me.' Dust grumbled, kicking over a pile of snow. He glared at the pile for a few moments, only looking up when he heard a sudden whisper. "Paps?" He says hopefully.

Of course it's not Pap, it's his dumb and fucked-up brain causing him to see and hear things again. 'Right.' He sighs, turning away from the dented pile of snow and shoving his hands into his pockets. 


The longer he's left here, 'scouting' the area, the colder it gets. His Snowdin was always like that, will be, and has been. So whats making him feel so uneasy? Monster dust wafts upwards, scattering across the ground and floors of houses. Dust is used to this, but can't help but feel a bit of resentment.

Deciding to take a break, he sits by the old mailboxes of his house. They look pretty much the same, abandoned spiderwebs lining the metal. Like this, it actually looks fuller than it's ever been. Dust laughs at his thoughts, if anyone were here, they would be almost sure he was going insane.


Minutes, hours, days, pass of Dust having to deal with camping out in this place. He's starting to lose hope of going back to the castle and seeing another being, even Killer, would be someone he would be slightly glad to see right now. He believes Phantom has came by a couple times to talk to him, but he isn't sure that's real anymore. It seems all just like a dream. 

'Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.'

Thoughts tangle throughout his head, clenching the sides of his hood and tightening his jaw. He's swaying back and forth in fetal position, and can barely contain himself from breaking down. Was Nightmare really this desperate for negativity, that he's doing this? Surely, he'd have enough soon and grab Dust. At least, send someone to grab him.

Just as he started to lose hope, he heard shoes shuffling through the snow along with a couple grunts. It took him a couple moments to snap out of his thoughts, looking around frantically for the sound. "Dust?!" A low voice called out, suddenly pushing a tuft of leaves aside and arriving from the forest. 

"Dust!" Horror said, smiling, although it quickly faded as he saw the crazed look in Dust's eyes. The smaller skeleton only looked up at Horror, hiding a glad feeling deep in his soul. 'Thank stars, Horror. It wasn't someone like Killer, or Cross.'

Horror took a seat next to Dust, brushing some of the snow away. He noticed a bit of snow on Dust's hood, making him question how long he'd sat in this spot. "Dust?" He said, rubbing the smaller's back. "What's wrong?" Dust sighs, as if he'd been holding his breath this whole time.

"Do.. do you not wanna talk about it..?" Horror questions once more, trying his best just to figure out what Dust needed. The hooded skeleton nods, leaning against Horror and releasing the grip from his hood. "I don't want to be here anymore.." Dust mumbles.

"Cmon, then. I'll get you back to the castle." Horror slips away from Dust's grasp, immediately stretching out a hand to help him up. Dust nodded once more, taking Horror's hand and shivering at the sudden warmth.

The larger skeleton smiles, guiding Dust to a portal not too far away in a small clearing in the forest he came from. Going through, and landing on the other side. The floorboards of the living room scream at the two, and the portal closes. Horror pulls Dust to the couch and fireplace, knowing he must be cold. "I can get to the couch myself, you know..." Dust says quietly, as he takes a seat. "Yeah, I know. It's just nicer this way." Horror replies, sitting next to him and slipping off his jacket. "Whatever." Dust growls.

The soft crackle of the fire brought a wave of relaxation over Dust, slouching into the cushions. Horror noticed this, placing his jacket over Dust like a blanket and patting him gently but teasingly. "You warm enough, your highness?" He chuckled softly. "Shut up." Dust snapped and hissed, a light warmth over his cheeks. "Whatever you say~" Horror continued to laugh, teasing Dust.

"You're not funny." Dust glared at Horror, hesitating to throw his jacket back at his smug-ass face. "I know, but it's funny to watch your reactions to it." Horror says, a large smile plastered on his face. Dust rolls his eye lights, frustrated with Horror already, he regretted going back to the castle.


Staring at Dust with a deadpan stare, Horror squinted his eye sockets. "What is it now? You want food, or something?" Dust rose an 'eyebrow.'

Silence. Horror was always like this, his mood and feelings all over the place. One second, he'd be screaming and chanting, and the other he'd be in the corner munching on a chicken wing.

The hooded skeleton gave up on trying to figure what in the world Horror wanted, turning back to look at the fireplace. He felt Horror pulling on his scarf right as he turned away, groaning and looking back.

Dust was swiftly yanked forward, his face being pressed up against Horror's firmly for a quick, 5-second long kiss. Dust pushed away from Horror almost immediately, blushing and wiping his face. "What the fuck?!" Dust was confused, flustered, and mad, what kind of right does Horror have to just kiss him out of nowhere??

Horror burst into laughter, hugging his stomach and flinging himself back. Dust seemed unamused, glaring and growling at the larger.





(Words: 1035)


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