Chapter 17- Last breaths of air

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Carmen's POV:
To be honest this ordeal is not the best moment to be looking at Edane sexually but my goodness. She was absolutely silent while being strangled. Watching her be so submissive is creating a bit of heat. After my husband said such an outrageous statement it was a very very tense environment. Not even a chainsaw could cut through it.
All of sudden, I see braids being thrown across the air and my thigh has taken a hit by a living cadaver.
I see my baby girl, her back head leaning on my outer thigh and her clutching her waist tight while her face was squeezing in pain.
Fucking hell he looked like pissed. His face was all scrunched up and Madre stood up to try and calm him down. She walked slowly towards him with her hands in front of her to show that she weren't dangerous. Everyone on that table made eye contact with each other excluding Edane of course. we all knew the inevitable.
She slowly kept going closer and closer.
She was smiling softly at him, " Its just me honey calm down." she cooed sweetly.
She only brushed his arm and he slapped the shit out of her. She fell into the table and a glass of wine dropped and shattered on the ground.
Everyone just sat there uncomfortably silent as he continued to beat the shit out of her. Well I mean everyone except my husband who proceeded to throw a knife at his father landing right at his leg. He gurgled in pain as blood was streaming down. His wife was unconscious and Edane was still hissing in pain.
I stood up, clapped my hands and got Edane in my hands. I scurried out of the room and brought her to our bedroom. I kissed her softly on the lips and whispered her a promise to be back later.
"Bring wine when you come back." She murmured in pain as she rolled around clutching her waist.

I rolled my eyes internally and went straight back to the dining room. There I was met with Roberto bending over the table wincing in pain and his wife consoling him. Madre was crying and Padre was muttering to himself. He had blood crying out of his eyes. They ran down his cheek, a bit how like when Edane cries. My husband was shaking his hand and beckoning Madre to stand up, perhaps to take her to the infirmary. To be honest it was a sad but inevitable sight to see. I helped Lucio carry his mother to the nurse and I escorted Roberto and his wife to the door, as I usually do.

I went straight back to the bedroom where I jumped on Edane and enveloped her into a hug. I forgot all about her waist and she didn't stop whining on and on about how I should stop trying to kill her and she will force me into celibacy if I try that shit on her again. I wonder how she would have done that. I laid on top of her and started kissing her. The way she was looking so delectable standing there and doing as I said. It was fucking gorgeous. I stuck my tongue in her mouth but like the damn brat she is, she was fighting with me. I glided my hands to her waist and slightly pinched it. She put her tongue back where it was supposed to be and I explored her mouth. I started grinding on her desperate for some friction, I wanted it so badly since the airplane and I finally had it. I moved to her neck and started sucking on it like crazy. I bit down on a random spot hard and I heard her hiss in pain. I licked the blood up and was slurping it up like a cannibal.

I started massaging her clitoris with my index finger, but there was a lot of things blocking me from my prize.

" Stop degrading me in your mind." the sentence slipped in between pants. I chuckled gently and tenderly ripped her trousers off her, leaving her pussy completely exposed for me to devour.

"Hmmm, no panties?" I looked back at her and she turned her head away. I thrusted two fingers in her already and started scissoring. She was a moaning mess. She was arching her back and her nails were clawing my back.

" After I make you cum three times, I'll take you to a restaurant to wine and dine you." I felt myself smile at the thought of making her happy.

"Ho-w are you going to make me cum." She questioned.

"Wouldn't you like to know." I muttered.

I heard footsteps coming closer to the door so I put the blanket over us and I moved our bodies to the side so it looked like we were just looking at each other lovingly and speaking. The door urged open and there stood my husband. Edane turned her head to look at him. He looked pissed. In fact pissed was an understatement.

"Where is my father."

It wasn't a question, it was more of a command. I wasn't really focussing on him, I just wanted to get to Edane as soon as I possibly could. Plus he couldn't get too far with a bloody knife injected in his thigh.

"I'm not sure." My voice came out weak and pathetic- I internally cringed. The room was deathly silent.

"I'll be back." He breathed out after what felt like an eternity. He came to kiss me sweetly on the lips. He looked down and saw my fingers in Edane. I shot a toothy grin. He snickered and kissed Edane.

He left the room and I finished what I had started. I dragged her legs to get her out of the bed. She put the suit back on and reapplied perfume. She did her edges while I decided the best heels to wear when we went out. I chose the stilettos for me and the mary jane heels for Edane. They were adorable and completely matched her outfit. I left the walk-in closet and saw the housekeeper talking to Edane. He smelt better and had roses his hands. They were pretty and were sprayed recently with water. Their scent filled the room and it made me feel at ease, and was relaxing. I hated it.

She took the flowers and shot a frank smile at him. He was stuttering a lot, I wasn't really listening to what they were saying. I was just mad that he gave her flowers. They finally finished their useless conversation and he left the room. I don't even remember hearing a knock on the door or her asking to come in. I properly entered the room while Edane put the flowers.
I pointed at the flowers and she laughed,
"Because he saw me working for you guys he thought I was available, well I am-"

"No you aren't." I interrupted her and her lies. She wasn't available. What an earth made her think that.
"Well I thoug-"
"You thought wrong."
The atmosphere was feeling dense and I was no longer in a happy carefree mood. My face felt sour and I became agitated over everything.
She just sat there not even twitching a muscle.
"Well, are you done, or you have other people to flirt with?"
Her voice came out meek, "I'm finished."
I didn't like this at all.
She was supposed to find comfort in me. Anytime Lucio did this to me, I wouldn't act like that. I hated that she was scared of me, but I did cause it. I sighed a heavy sigh in an attempt to release all the anger in my heart and hugged her. I swayed from side to side as I clutched her tighter.
"I'm sorry darling."
She only hummed.
We got up and out of the room. But we didn't get too far as we saw Madre gasping for her last breaths of air as tears welled in her eyes. Padre was beaten to a pulp.The knife that was in his leg that Lucio had thrown before had entered Madre and ended her life leaving behind a pool of blood on the floor. Seriously no regard for health.
"GET OUT OF HERE!" Someone had shouted. My husband was panting and throwing random stuff across the place. He finally stopped when he found his lighter which I deliberately hid.
You didn't have to tell me twice. I grabbed Edane's hand and rushed out of the building. We hopped into my favourite rolls royce and I ignited the engine.
"Carmen whats going on?"
Edane asked, her head facing out the car where all the maids were rushing out of the house and scrambling onto vehicles. I could just about see Lucio stab the housekeeper through his head. Brain matter splattered on the wall. I stepped on the gas and we drove off.
"To be honest, I don't know."
I stuttered.
"I don't know."
omds i had my bio paper 1 exam today. BRO IT WAS GORG!!!!
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Whose ur fav character(s)???
So far its Comrade fight me on it.
posted early today to celebrate that sexy paper

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