Flex Time

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So it has been a week and a half since the last chapter, and things were going good.

BF and GF were alot more comfortable with each other now. She was glad he wanted to be her friend. She never really felt like she was worth that much. But he made her feel differently.

One time in second block, BF and GF were sitting together talking.

"And then Carol told me that she rejected him hard," GF laughed.

"Damn! Sounds like you've made pretty good friends with that Carol," BF smiled.

"She's like my best friend," GF beamed.

"I'm glad you're finding more people here to be friends with," BF chuckled.

"Yeah... but you'll always be my closest," GF giggled as she played with his hoodie sleeve.

BF blushed and smirked a bit as he looked at her.

"Hey students, make sure you remember to sign up for Flex next block," Mr. John said.

"Oh shoot! I forgot about that!" BF said, reaching for his bag.

"Flex Time?" GF asked.

"It's something they wanted to start doing. This was an announcement before you got here. So they wanted to start it today. It's a thing where teachers offer several different little activities. It's supposed to cut between 2nd and 3rd block now," BF said, lifting his bag and taking his computer out.

"Ohh, that sounds cool! Which one will you go to?" GF asked.

BF checked through the different activities that were listed on the platform. He searched through them until he found one he liked.

"Ooh, a nice little study hall with Jimmy would be cool!" BF beamed widely.

"Jimmy?" GF asked.

"Oh, he was one of my teachers last year. One of the best!" BF smiled.

"Oh. I'll go with you there," GF smiled.

"Alright, bet," BF said, blushing a bit as he liked the fact she was coming with him.

Second block had eventually came to an end and they headed to Flex time together.

"It feels weird to walk together like this after second block. Usually we have to part ways," BF said.

"I know. I hate not having you in my third," GF said softly.

"You got Carol at least," BF said.

"Yeah... but she doesn't make me laugh as much as I do with you," GF beamed.

BF just smirked and they headed to the East Hall. GF looked at BF's free arm swinging down and blushed a bit. She slowly reached her arm out, wanting to grab it. She didn't know if she should or not. She didn't want to invade his private space.

"Don't do anything stupid," she told herself quietly as she followed him.

But despite trying not to, her hand will grab onto his arm. BF blushed and looked back to see her holding on to his arm.

"I'm s-sorry," she stuttered, pulling her hand away from his arm.

"It's o-ok, I didn't m-mind," BF stuttered.

With that being said, GF slowly reached her hand back up again and held onto BF's arm again. He blushed a dark red as they headed to Jimmy's room.

BF saw Pico in the hall, making kissy faces as he saw them walking by. And Pico had to make a joke. "Keep it in your pants, BF. Let it all out when you get home."

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