When We Met

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BF was in his second term of high school, and things were the best for him. He had really good grades, awesome friends, and a decent reputation. Everything was good for the young boy. He always wanted to succeed in life. He worked at a local garage and made a lot of money. He stayed with his best friend, Whitty at the time. Despite not really being legal to do so. They paid rent together as Whitty worked at the bowling alley, making a decent amount.

One thing about BF though was he never had a girlfriend. And for the reason of he felt like he would be held back. BF was the type of boy who liked to go out with his friends and do stuff. He felt like he never really had the time for a girl in his life.

One early morning, BF and Whitty were chilling in BF's car. They usually waited till it was closer to time that students were dismissed before they went in.

"Gotta get my license soon," Whitty said as he played on his phone.

"Only a few more weeks and you're eligible to take the test," BF smiled.

"I'm gonna pass that shit first try. Just like you did," he replied.

"I was lucky," BF shrugged.

"Nah. You're just that good," Whitty beamed.

"Thanks," BF said softly.

His watch then went off, implying it was time to go inside.

"Come on bro," BF said, pulling his keys out of the fob and getting out.

Whitty followed behind and they headed inside, parting ways as they got to their lockers.

"See you at the end of the day," Whitty waved as he walked off.

"See ya bro," BF waved.

BF gathered his stuff and headed to his first class. BF sat in the front of the class where he usually does. He got his books out and was ready for the day.

"You're always on the grind, eh?" BF's ginger friend, Pico, asked from behind.

"Hey, good grades are important," BF smiled.

"Fair enough," Pico smiled.

For most of homeroom, BF just played on his phone, texting his friends in their group chat. But when the teacher entered the room, he and most of the other students put their phones down.

"Good morning, students," their teacher, Mr. Jack, spoke.

"Good morning, Mr. Jack," the students said in unison.

"Today, we have a new student joining our class. Be respectful to her, ok?" Mr. Jack replied.

"Another girl. Just what we need," Pico said, shaking his head.

"For real," BF groaned.

And that's when she walked in the room. A beautiful auburn hair girl, wearing a red hoodie, black shorts with white stripes, and tennis shoes.

BF just became completely flushed as he looked at her. He couldn't seem to take his eyes off of her.

"S-stop it. Don't think of it like that," BF told himself.

"Everyone. Meet GF. She transferred from the next city over. So be open to her," Mr. Jack spoke.

"GF? Damn, she's got a matching name. Maybe you found yourself a girlfriend, BF," Pico winked.

"D-don't be stupid," BF stuttered, looking back at him.

"Your face is red. You think she's cute?" Pico smirked.

"N-no," he said, stuttering again.

"Hmph, ok," Pico said, still smirking.

When BF turned back around, he then saw GF standing by the seat beside him.

"Is it ok if I sit here?" she asked shyly.

"B-be my g-guest," BF stuttered even more.

GF smiled a bit and then sat down beside him. BF felt Pico poke him from behind. He turned his head softly, seeing Pico moving his eyebrows up and now.

"Shut up," he mouthed.

"Alright. Now that introductions are out of the way, please then to page 20 in your book. GF, since I don't have a book for you yet, you can share with BF," Mr. Jack said.

BF blushed even more, and heard Pico snickering behind him.

He looked at GF, who was also gazing at him. BF felt a little lump in his pants and groaned.

"What the fuck," he said to himself.

"Is everything ok?" She asked.

"Y-yeah, everything's fine," he replied.

"Am I doing something wrong?" she asked, worried.

"No, no. You're fine. Here," he replied, pulling out his book so she could look at it too.

As they read through it, BF couldn't help but keep looking at her. What the hell was wrong with him? He's never felt this way before? Was Pico right... did he actually have a thing for this girl? He just met her... what was he thinking?

He noticed GF would glance at him throughout the time of reading too. She would do it for quite a bit as well. Maybe there was a slight chance? No, he was being stupid. There wasn't anything... no way.

While reading, their hands slipped together without even realizing. It's not until they wrapped up that they looked over and quickly moved their hands away from each other.

"Shit, I'm s-sorry," BF spoke.

"No, no. I'm sorry," she said, slightly blushing.

BF and GF just looked at each other, pretty red in the face still.

"Alright students, your last assignment for the day will be to fill out this worksheet based on what we just read," Mr. Jack said.

He handed the papers out and they got to work. BF and GF remained quiet for most of the time, but would ask each other small questions here and there.

"Didn't he say the kid got lost in the forest and disappeared by a monster?" GF asked.

"Yeah. Weird shit," BF replied, chuckling a bit.

"I know, right?" She smiled.

They got done rather quickly, turning in their papers and sat back down. They talked a bit more and started to get less shy. He was pretty interested in what she had to say. He listened to her more than he did with anyone else... was that a sign?

Later, the bell went off and the students grabbed their stuff. As they did, GF turned to BF as they stood up.

"What's your next class?" she asked.

"Social studies with Mr. John," BF said.

"That's mine too. May I... walk with you there?" she asked.

"S-sure," he said, a bit of a visible blush on his face.

They started to head out of the room, when BF looked back to see Pico smirking at him. He gave him a little nod before heading out the opposite door.

GF and BF walked side by side to the social studies room, making small conversation and feeling more comfortable with each other. They wanted to get to know each other better... maybe something more could happen than just a friendship...

Hope you guys enjoyed this first part of my new story. Every story (counting Open Your Heart which is in development) will continue just the same.

Have a good day everyone :)

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