Famous Last Words

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(Gerard's POV)

I looked at Frank as he had taunted the larger demon. Frank had found a way to save us. I had no idea what he did, as a majority seemed to be unspoken demon knowledge. All I knew is that I felt absolute relief in my chest when the large demon dissolved. His parting words couldn't even give me the chills he had probably intended.

"Frank?" I asked. His arm was still held up, protectively, in front of me. I reached out my hands and pushed his arm down. As I did, he turned to me. We both looked at each other and I watched a huge grin spread across his face.

"You did it." I laughed happily, "Frank you-mm"

He cut me off by shoving his lips onto mine. I closed my eyes, grabbed for his shirt, and pulled him closer. My craving for his touch was kicking in again.

**time skip**

We were back in my room, lying under some loose covers. We had to encountered the others and had to explain what happened. They were so excited for Frank and I, especially the fact that I wouldn't be dying any time soon (hopefully).

They wanted to stay and celebrate, but they also got the hint that I wanted to celebrate with Frank first. We agreed to meet up later and they left. Ray had stayed at the cemetery. He said he was most comfortable there, even though we offered him places to stay.

"So the mission you were originally supposed to receive..." I started quietly, trailing my fingers along his tattoo covered arm that was lying in neutral territory.

"It had your name..." He nodded, watching my fingers, "I still would have known you, just maybe not as pleasantly..." He chuckled softly.

"But when they tried to change my fate and mark my soul?.."

Frank did that thing where he looked at me, but deeper. "The last demon with that name on their list gets it...and it's just like I explained..." He looked back at my eyes.

"So anyway it worked out?..."

"I would have still met up with you, somehow." Frank laughed, "there's no escaping you."

"There's no escaping you either." I laughed back, "you're the one that keeps coming up with my name..."

I stopped tracing my fingers and just placed my hand on his arm. His presence was so comforting. Feeling his bare skin made him so real when I ever thought of him flying away in demon smoke. Now knowing that he was my protector, my little demon, it didn't feel real...

(Frank's POV)

I watched G's mind start to wander. It wasn't hard to tell when he was thinking, his face relaxed slightly and his eyes looked distant.

I leaned over and kissed him, pulling him from his thoughts. I pulled away and he smiled with a short giggle.

"You aren't mad you're stuck with me right?" I asked with a smile.

G looked me straight in the eyes and said something that made my heart flutter like I had never felt before.

"After knowing you, I refuse to have it any other way."

I felt so human at that moment, so full of feelings for G, I pulled him close and slammed my lips into his. He was taken slightly off guard, but I felt him smile through the kiss before pulling the light blankets over our heads.
This was a fate I was so happy we would share...

**The End**

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