The Game's Afoot (Part 2)

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(Frank's POV)

"Oh shit." I ducked down as one of the dark haired boys looked in my direction. "Ray, he see me?" I asked, hiding behind a tomb.

Ray looked out & shook his head. "Not like he could." Ray laughed a bit.

"Haha." I said with an irritated tone. That guy with the backpack had looked right at me. Even with the tricks of the trade on my side, he may have still seen me as a shadow or some shit.

I peaked around the tombstone I was leaning against to look at the group of humans. They were all sitting on the ground in a group now. The backpack black haired boy was facing mine & Ray's direction, but looking down at something on the ground.

"They aren't..." A grin was slowly spreading across my face. They were playing with a Ouija. Just as stupid as every other human...Even that interesting backpack one. What a shame.

"Maybe this isn't so much of a punishment after all." I laughed, turning to Ray. "I'm ready to have some fun for a change."

(Gerard's POV)

We were all sitting in a circlish shape with the Ouija board sat in the middle. None of us were touching the board.

"So...anyone ever played before?" Andy asked after a minute of silence.

"Can't be that hard." Brendon scoffed, "just put your hands on the little triangle thing, right?"

"Pretty sure..." Pete said, hesitantly reaching his hand towards the board.

"OHMYGOSHGHOSTS!" Brendon exclaimed, shaking Pete and making him jump.


"I know you are but what am I?"

"Guys!" Andy shouted out to silence them.

Everyone quietly reached toward the board.

My heart was racing from excitement... And slight fear of the unknown.
Once all of us had a few fingers on the triangle piece, we were silent.

"Who wants the first question?" I asked quietly.

(Frank's POV)

I stayed in the shadows and crept closer to the group. They didn't notice me, but I still kept my eye on the backpack boy. I had the feeling he had seen me earlier, but he wasn't letting it show.

He had short black hair and greenish brown eyes...I could barely tell in the dark, even with these hell eyes. They only had a crappy phone light to illuminate the small area where they sat.

"So who wants to ask the first question?" The backpack boy asked.

Fun time.

I crept closer to the group, just out of the cell phone light. I reached out my hand just a bit and flashed my eyes black.
The game begins.

(Gerard's POV)

I had barely asked out the question when the piece began to slide across the board.

"Very funny Brendon." I said, watching the piece slide down towards him.

"Dude, not me." Brendon said with wide eyes. He lifted his hand off the piece just before it stopped on the letter "u".

"Pete?" I looked over to him. He had the same wide eyes as brendon. I looked at Andy to see similar results. Although Andy's expression was more out of amazement than fear.

"I think it wants you to ask, G." Pete said, looking down at the board.

I laughed, looking down. I felt a bit nervous. Usually these games didn't get going so fast. Andy and Pete retracted their hands. I slowly did the same.

"Well..." Brendon looked at me. "It wants you to ask G."

I looked down at the board. "Do you want me to ask a question?" I asked, not really expecting a response since none of us had our hands on the game piece.

Apparently that didn't matter in this case.

"Oh, fuck!" Everyone jumped back as the piece began to slide across the board. It jumped slightly at the end and landed on yes.

(Frank's POV)

I laughed silently as they all jumped, but I had to focus on moving the game piece. It ended up jumping to it's destination because of a quick lack of focus.
I liked this G kid. He was...interesting.

(Gerard's POV)

"It liiiikes yoou" Brendon teased nervously.

I stared down at the board. It was answering my questions. It was focused on me. This was terrifying... But cool as shit.

"Ask something else." Pete said.

"What do I ask?" I questioned looking at him. Honestly, I didn't need to ask. I had countless questions. Was this someone buried in this cemetery? Was it a someone at all? Was it dangerous?..

(Frank's POV)

"Ask me, backpack boy." I whispered eagerly. I watched him looking between his friends and back down at the board. "C'mon G." I whispered, remembering how his friends had refered to him.

At first I just wanted to mess with him, but he interested me. He didn't exactly fit what I knew a human to be.

"Seriously... What do I ask?..." I heard G mutter under his breath.

Allow me to help.

I concentrated on the board and (hopefully) spelled out 'anything'

G gasped along with the rest of the group. He looked around and stopped right in my general direction.

My eyes flashed normal for a moment, flashing me into his sight for just a second.


He saw me.

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