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(Gerard's POV)

"What are we supposed to do?" I was sitting on the bed with my head in my hands. If what Frank had said about Ray was true then my time could be over at any instant.

"If you run, they'll find you." Ray said. He was sitting up, leaning against the wall across from the bed near the clothes pile. "They have their ways, but even running can't stop fate once they've altered it."

"But how can they just fuck with someone's life like that?" Pete asked. He was standing by the door, listening intently to everything, "What gives them the right to just..."

Ray shrugged. "Demons are dicks that are never told no." He replied simply, "and when they are told no, they'll make sure you never say it to them again." His eyes flashed black and he shuddered.

I looked down at my twisting fingers. I wanted Frank here. I didn't care about his determination to save me at that instant in time, I just wanted him next to me. I had grown so attached and accustomed to him over the past weeks...

"Where'd he go?.." I asked quietly.

"Probably the one place he thought could make any slight difference in changing your fate back." Ray answered in an equally low tone.

Hell. It had to be. I remembered how Frank had described it. Cold, alone, and a place he had told me he never wanted me to see.

(Frank's POV)

I cried out as I was thrown against the wall of the large cage the two higher ups had put me in. I couldn't brace myself for the impact because of the hell cuffs that burned around my wrists. The large, bald demon babysitter was laughing, coming over to lift me up again.

"Really wishing you had been there those times I called?" He laughed manically, "Oh, but you were too busy with that pretty boy of yours!"

He yanked my shirt collar violently and I was pulled off the ground. He looked me in the eye and flashed his black eyes.

"Ooooh, you chose a pretty soul to make your bitch."

"You shut up about hi-" I started through clenched teeth, but he threw me across the cage before he could finish. My head slammed into the criss-crossed bars and I sunk to the ground.

"You're in no position to talk back to me." He said darkly.

I started I try to lift myself up, but I was met by a foot to the face. I was knocked back and I could hear him laugh.

"That pretty soul will look great in our collection..." He whispered in my ear, "Just two more days..."

I heard his footsteps move further away from me, then the squeal of the cage's gate.

I rolled on my back and groaned. This was nothing. The beating I had gotten for my last mistake was worse, but this time there was something else on the line. I had to figure out how to save him.

(Gerard's POV)

We didn't leave my room. Pete had called who I assumed were Patrick and Brendon to let them know where he and I were with minor detail. Mikey didn't seem to be home, based off of his lack of response from all of our yelling. That was good because he still knew little to nothing about any of this.
Ray hadn't moved from his spot. He was cradling his side, which was stained red. He was fairly quiet, just looking off sadly.

"This happened to you, didn't it?" I finally asked him. He looked up at me. "You cared about someone on the wrong side of life."

Ray smiled sadly. "Just like Frank said." He confirmed. "What gave it up?"

"That look." I said, "it's the look someone has when they lose someone or are extremely worried about someone. Not to mention the..." I pointed at the stains on his shirt.

He looked down and laughed lightly. "Like I said, demons are dicks..."

I looked down at my feet dangling over the edge of the bed. "Do you think Frank's okay?" I asked without looking up.

Ray was quiet for a moment. "...If he went to hell...no one can be sure."

I felt my heart sink lower than it already had. I couldn't do anything to help him. I was helpless to help this little demon my heart had been stolen by. I couldn't find it in my heart to say anything else to Ray.

I just wanted Frank here.

(Frank's POV)

I struggled against my hell cuffs, crying out as I did it. Hell cuffs weren't like human handcuffs. They were hyped up to fit demon standards. They made it so if you were up top, you couldn't reveal yourself to humans. They also made it so you couldn't dissolve into smoke to escape. They rendered you near useless.
I couldn't break free. It burned me like no other. I screamed out profanities as if it would help.

Made me feel slightly better at least.

Didn't help me though. I needed out. I needed to keep G safe. I had to get out. I was sitting sitting against one of the sides of my cage, just looking at the opposite wall trying to figure out what to do.

The shadow had said something other than my name earlier, but it had also been the one to put me in cuffs...At least I thought... But I had never heard it say any words other than a demon's name.

I leaned my head against the wall and closed my eyes. I couldn't think of anything to do. I didn't exactly have friends down here...

There was a creaking noise. I turned to see the cage's gate open and the bald babysitter come in. I scooted down the wall and he just laughed.

"Ooooh no, Iero." He flashed his eyes and cracked his knuckles, "Don't go yet! The fun's just starting..."

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