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(Gerard's POV)

Frank was watching over me as I slept. It was ironic in a way. He was acting as a guardian angel, but he was really my little demon guardian... Which was honestly a lot cooler I mean, c'mon.

Every time I would jolt awake, he was there, next to me.

"Just dreams..." He'd whisper, tracing his hand along the hair that fell in my face to push them out of the way. I'd be able to slip back into unconsciousness almost instantly. That first night we spent together was the only one where I had slept through the whole night. Or at least I didn't remember waking up constantly.

Eventually I had to wipe the sleep from my eyes. I didn't want Frank to lull me back to sleep, I simply wanted to be with him before he had to leave to stay at the cemetery for the day.

He smiled at me and I smiled sleepily back. My hand was resting in neutral ground between us. Frank walked his fingers along my black sheets to rest his hand on top of mine.

"I'm so happy..." I started my sentence but trailed off with a yawn. I looked at our hands. His was just a bit smaller than mine, but it seemed to fit perfectly on top of mine or interlocked with my fingers.

Frank smiled. We stayed in silence for awhile, letting our fingers trace over each other's.

I could hear my phone buzz from the corner. I sat up and looked over at my pile of clothes. That must of been where I had thrown it the other day. Frank sat up and looked over at the clothes pile too.

"What are we looking at?" He asked.

I got up and walked over to dig in the pile for my phone. I found it and held it up to show Frank.

"Ah." He nodded.

I sat on the edge of my bed and Frank put his chin lightly on my shoulder.

Which one of you fuckers changed my name?~Urine

I don't know, who left their phone out in the open for it to be changed?~Wentz

You dick! I was texting Ryan and didn't see till it was too late!~Urie

"Quite the shenanigans." Frank laughed. He kissed my cheek and leaned back. I looked back and he was stretching. "It's morning already..." He sighed.

"Do you have to go already?"

"Just in case." He smiled with a hint of sadness on his face. "Give me 'till dark and I'll be here."

"You sure you don't want me to meet you there?" I asked.

"I feel like your more comfortable not surrounded by dead things." He replied.

Debatable... But leaning more on the truer side. He opened my window and flashed his eyes black for me.

"See you tonight." He promised, vanishing into smoke.

"See you." I smiled. A bit after he left, I replied to the group chat and headed over to Pete's.

**Time warp**

Frank and I had developed a routine over the next few weeks. In the mornings and during the day, Frank would be at the cemetery to serve out his punishment for talking back (or as he put it when he told me that night "was being a rude little shit") and I would either stay home or go hang out at Pete's house since that had become our general meeting place over the summer.

No one really bothered about it. Sometimes Brendon would find a spot to slip in some innuendos, but for the most part, it wasn't a big deal to my friends. It was like any relationship in our friend group really. It made me so happy to know they didn't think of me any differently, although I don't know why I thought they might. Even with the people you trust the most your thoughts can get out of control.

I had no idea what Frank did throughout the day, but he didn't want me to be there. He just said it might not be safe...

(Frank's POV)

I walked around the graveyard for what felt like the millionth time. I hadn't seen Ray in weeks. I didn't understand. His punishment seemed at least as long as mine or longer. I had seen our little babysitter a few times, but he never spoke to me like that first.

I turned a corner and that's when I heard it. I soft crying noise from behind a stone. I hesitantly walked around the stone and saw Ray laying on the ground, curled up.

"Woah, Ray! What are you-Ray? What's wrong?"

Ray was shaking. His eyes were sunken in and he looked as if all of his happy personality had been sucked away.

"They moved up her fate." He said blankly. "She's gone Frank. In the worst way possible. As one of us."

He looked at me, and I could see desperation in his eyes.

"They know frank. They know about G. They know, and they're coming. For you and for him."

Graveyard Games (Frerard) ~Editing~Where stories live. Discover now