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(Gerard's POV)

I walked slowly along the road. It was kind of eerie realizing just how close to the cemetery I lived. A few corner turns and a straight shot down.

I shivered. Even in the summer heat, it gave me a chill. I had never thought about it much before.

My footsteps were the only noise I heard other than some dogs barking in the distance. My hands were in the pockets of my black jeans and my notebook was being held under my arm. Just in case.

The night was taking over slowly the closer I walked to the cemetery, as if the world just wanted to add to the already creepy atmosphere. Just couldn't shake it off.

About fifteen minutes later, the graveyard was in sight. My already fast pace quickened. I had been contemplating what to ask Frank when I saw him again all day. I couldn't believe I had missed an opportunity last night...but I did gain another opportunity...

Focus Gerard.

I hurried up to the cemetery gates. The lock was still broken from when Brendon had 'picked' it open. I laughed a bit as I pushed in.

(Frank's POV)

Ray hadn't really talked to me since...earlier. He was making his usual rounds and I was leaving him be. I knew he had to have good intentions, but I wasn't going to let some higher up push me around more than they already have.

The night was coming now. G would be here soon. I was perched on a headstone near the front gate.

It wasn't long until I heard the gate move. I peaked my head up and saw G walk into sight. I grinned and jumped off the spot I sat. He was looking around for a minute before he saw me.

I felt a smile grow on my face as he walked over to me.

"Hello there." I said, looking him up and down.

"Hi Frank." He smiled nervously.

He was holding one of his notebooks in his hand, fidgeting slightly. I looked him in the eye and got a quick glimpse of his soul again.

"Why the book?" I asked, watching the was his soul shimmered through the veil of uncertainty that surrounded it.

"I, I need to remember to ask..." He trailed off. Wow, he was even cuter when he was flustered.

I laughed, "I promised."
Gerard smiled and nodded. This kid was being absolutely adorable. I gestured my head in the direction of some headstones we could lean against. I grabbed his arm lightly and pulled him along. He walked after me, smiling. He hesitated when we reached the headstones and I sat in front of one.

"What's wrong?" I asked confused.

He bit his lip, looking at the grave marker. "Don't you think it's... Disrespectful? You know..."

"Oh..." I nodded. Human superstition. I really was out of touch. I stood back up and looked around. "Over there." I turned G and pointed to an old tree to the right of the gate. "Does that work?" I asked quietly.

G nodded and I pulled him along again. This human was so interesting...

(Gerard's POV)

Frank was making me so nervous! I didn't understand how he could make me so lost for words or...damn it.

He lead me to a twisted but beautiful tree by the front gate. We sat down and he looked me in the eye again.
"So G...What do you have to ask?" Frank asked softly.

My breath caught in my throat. He was so good at doing this too me, and I doubt he even tried. I took out my notebook and opened it to a fresh page.

"Okay..." I let out a deep sigh. "I have to know...why me? Wi-with the game and with Pete and his memory of that gone and-"

"Woah woah woah!" Frank laughed, putting his hand over my mouth. "One at a time G...I'm a demon, not a superhuman."

I laughed as he moved his hand away. "Alright... The game." I asked, pulling a small pen from my pocket.

Frank nodded. "I saw you and your friends come in, I was planning to fuck with you all, but this one little shit in the group, that would be you, saw through the veil that allows us demons to hide in plain sight. I hid, but still went out to move your game piece and lost my focus." He smiled at the ground, "You distracted me...Just a bit."

I was writing notes, but ended up giggling. The more I heard Frank talk, the more I liked him.

"So the others couldn't see through the veil?" I asked.
"Their vision, kind of more their souls, couldn't pierce the veil." Frank said, looking at his feet and thinking. "You see, you shouldn't of been able to either. But you're special. Only very few souls can break through that shadowy veil. I'd only ever heard of it." He looked at me, as if he was seeing something deeper. "You're the first human I've ever known to actually be able to do it."

I looked at him. No one had ever called me anything special. I could feel my heart beating faster.

"Really?" I asked, trying to hide the amazement evident in my voice.

"Really." Frank smiled.
I looked down and smiled to myself.

"What about Pete?"

"That guy I took for a spin?" Frank asked. He nodded before I could say anything, "That's a thing yea...Sorry by the way, I know I scared you...and those other dudes. Didn't turn out as planned. Never really did have a plan." He smiled sheepishly. "Really just wanted to see you."

I bit my lip.

"Humans minds don't really take to being turned off so well. They fight it, and usually that adds to the memory gap. Some demons can decide if they want them to remember or not, but most leave it up to the subconscious fight. Most of the time blank memory after possession shows strength they say. That Pete dude, he fought. You have good friends." Frank nodded.

"Yea...They're great." I nodded with a smile. I'd never tell Pete he had a strong will. Never let me live that down.

"Anything else G?" Frank asked softly. His fingers danced across my knee and I felt my breath catch again. My brain was fuzzing over again if that makes sense. I couldn't focus around his touch.

"I-I don't..." I couldn't even finish a complete thought.

"I do." Frank said lowly. He grabbed my notebook and set it off to the side. He then crawled over on top of my lap and leaned up to my face. "I had fun last night. Did you?"

I nodded quickly before his lips were being roughly shoved against mine.

Graveyard Games (Frerard) ~Editing~Where stories live. Discover now