"We Fucked up"

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(Gerard's POV)

"PETEY!" Patrick yelled, diving down next to him.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Brendon cried out, backed against the couch.

I watched the black smoke disappear around the hall's corner. I ran after it, watching it vanish through the front door. I threw the door open and watch it continue to fly down the street and turn down the corner. In the direction of the cemetery.

It was that second I knew exactly what I saw. My breathing was starting to speed up again. It not only saw me, it fucking followed me through Pete.


I backed into the door and quickly closed it. I hurried back into the living room to see Patrick cradling Pete's head in his lap, trying to wake him up. Brendon was checking Pete's pulse.

"He's still breathing." He noted, nodding to Pete's slowly rising and falling stomach.

Patrick was mumbling quietly, shaking with absolute panic written across his face.

"What the FUCK was that!?" Brendon looked up at me, "What the fuck is going on!?"

"We fucked up Brendon." I said looking down at Pete's unconscious figure, "Brendon we-"

Before I could finish, Mikey came out of his room with messy hair and an angry, tired look. "Do any of you have any idea how early it is for you to be fuCKING YELLING!?" Mikey looked straight at me when he first walked in, but as he looked across the room at the other three, his tone softened. "Woah, what happened?"

I was lost. I couldn't think of a good excuse. Thank God for Brendon Urie.

"HE FELL OFF THE TABLE!" Brendon yelled, popping up to his feet.

"Is he okay?" Mikey asked, kneeling down next to Pete and lifting his eyelid. "Do you need to take him to the hospit-wait a minute, why were you idiots doing on the table?"

"ASK STUPID QUESTIONS BEHIND OUR STUPID MOTIVES LATER!" Brendon deflected the question. He grabbed Pete's feet and whistled to get Patrick's attention. Patrick looked up and picked up on what Brendon was doing. He grabbed Pete under his arms and around his torso and lifted with Brendon.

"GERARD, GET THE DOOR!" Brendon yelled at me.

Now I was beginning to pick up on the plan too. We had to ditch Mikey. Sorry bro.

"Where are you going?" Mikey asked, following us as I ran to open the door and Brendon and Patrick carried Pete after me.

"The fucking hospital!" Brendon said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Go go go." I hurried them out the door, "Pete's car!"

Mikey rushed out and stopped at the doorway. "Do you need me to drive?" He asked, genuinely concerned. I felt terrible. Mikey knew Pete. They were friends too, but Mikey didn't know about the game.

"I've got it Mikey." I told him, "I'll keep you posted, promise."

He nodded and I ran out to Pete's car. Brendon was climbing in the front seat and I ran to the passenger side. Patrick was in the back seat with Pete, beginning to panic again.

"What are we doing?" I asked Brendon. He was pawing through Pete's ash tray change and finally pulled out a key.

"Not the hospital." Brendon said, shoving the key in the ignition, "too many questions. He's still alive, so I say Pete's house. He should be fine, Plus his parents are still out of town so no questions."

He started the car and drove off. I looked back at Patrick. He was biting his lip looking down at Pete. I think he felt my gaze because he looked up at me, tears running down his cheeks.

I reached back and patted his knee. "It's okay." I nodded, trying to reassure him, "It's gonna be fine." He nodded his head vigorously without a word.
We were at Pete's in minutes. We all helped carry him inside and get him to his bed. Patrick sat on the bed next to him while I pulled Brendon into the living room.

"Dude, what happened?" Brendon asked, "What the fuck?"

I shook my head. "We fucked up Bren, we fucked up bad. I should have never suggested that cemetery to fuck with the Ouija, We should of never tried to play, we should of listened to Patrick and Joe!"

"Woah, woah woah!" Brendon grabbed my shoulders and looked me in the eye. "Breath. Calm the fuck down and tell me."

I that's when I realized how rapid my breathing had become. I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths. After a minute, I had calmed down and opened my eyes.

"Brendon. That was a demon." I said quietly, "That's what I saw last night. That's what took over Pete at the cemetery, I'm assuming at the cemetery. That smoke was demon smoke that left my house. Brendon that game was a mistake."

Brendon's eyes were wide. "Holy shit..." He let go of my shoulders and his arms dropped to his side. "Are...Are you sure?" He asked.

I nodded. "I know this shit Brendon. This is my ally of weird and just believe me, we fucked up."

(Frank's POV)

I flew like a rocket back to the cemetery. I cheered out, laughing as I saw it coming into sight. Just before I hit the ground, I did a flip back into my solid form. I laughed hysterically, ending up laying on the ground looking up at the sky.

I let my laughter run out, but then I had other feelings. G's horror rang through my mind. Why that? Why not the smile I had convinced out of him?
Wait. Why did I give a shit at all?? Fucking with humans is what demons do. What the fuck was happening to me?... What was going on in my head?...

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