Time Is Fading

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(Frank's POV)

"What do you mean they know!?" I grabbed Ray's shoulders and held him firmly, "And where have you been!? TALK TO ME."

Ray was shaking as he looked at me. "They bumped up her fate." He repeated, "She's dead and they made me watch. The same way I died. They took me and I had to watch from the shadows, cuffed so I couldn't appear." Ray took a sharp intake of air, "They took me weeks ago. She suffered so long..." He had been looking off like he was watching something else unfold before his eyes. His eyes suddenly snapped to focus on mine.
"The night they took me. They saw you with G. They saw you with a human, Frank. They've been reporting, they know."

I felt my stomach drop. If they really knew about G then...Then we were both fucked.

(Gerard's POV)

I was laying across Pete's couch, nearly falling asleep from staying up with Frank all night. I couldn't bring myself to sleep when I could be spending time with him.

"Alright, up." I heard Pete say. He tapped my shoulder and I opened my eyes.


"I'm taking you home! You're exhausted dude. You could of stayed home, I wouldn't of minded."

I slowly sat up and stretched. "I'm sorry dude..."

"Just come on." Pete pulled me off the couch & we eventually left. He drove me back to my house in the bright morning light. We were nearly at my house when a stream of black smoke flew through the air in front of us and around the side of my house.

"What the..." Pete and I exchanged looks. He stopped just in front of my house and we both jumped out. I ran straight to my window and pulled it open. Frank was there, along with someone I had never seen before.

"Frank?" I asked as Pete climbed in the window after me, "what's wrong?"

Frank ran over and hugged me tightly. "G, we're in trouble. Do you remember what I told you about higher ups?"

I nodded as he pulled away. He had a look of fear I had never seen in his eyes before.

"They found us. They found out about us, I mean, they know-"

"What's so bad about that?" Pete asked, confused.

"You know who else got caught?" Frank asked, pointing to the figure laying on the ground, "Ray, and they fucked up not only him, but the human he was with."

Pete looked at Ray with a shocked look. I looked at Ray then back at Frank.

"What's that mean?" I asked, beginning to feel my own anxieties rise in my chest.

He refused to speak for a moment.

"Frank." I said, trying to sound firm with my tone, but it came out shakey.
Frank took a deep breath of air and spoke softly. "It means they may have sealed your fate early."

I was quiet. Pete was just confused behind me. "Wait, what does all that mean?"

"It means my time's coming up." I said quietly, looking at Frank, "Doesn't it?"

Frank bit his lip and avoided my gaze.

"What about him?" I asked, referring to Ray.

"They dumped him...after..." Frank wouldn't continue. He simply shook his head and ran his fingers through his hair.

Pete hurried over to where Ray was laying on the ground to check on him. I reached for Frank's arm, but he pulled away.

"I didn't want to leave him..." He said lowly, in reference to Ray, "and I dont want to loose you."

"What are we supposed to do?" I asked lowly.

"I don't know! They may or may not have already sealed your fate, I mean, it took them longer to catch onto Ray but I've also been louder in the faces of the higher ups than him." Frank was tugging at his hair. He looked at me with desperate eyes, "I ruined everything G."

"It takes two to tango." I reassured him, grabbing his arm before he could pull away. "I'm willing to face the consequences of being with someone that makes me happy."

"I'M NOT!" Frank yelled. "You're the first person in all these fucked up centuries that I've enjoyed being around constantly, the first truly unique soul I've ever witnessed with my own eyes, the first human that has ever made me feel again!" He grabbed my arms and I could feel him shaking.

I pulled him close to me. I felt him shake worse as he tightened his grip around me.

"I love you G..." He said, almost silently. "More and more over these past weeks...Demons don't feel these human things...I can't loose the one whose began to make me feel human again..."

I felt tears in my own eyes. I never had someone I cared about this way more than Frank. Just hearing him say that...

"I love you" I choked on my words, "so much. That's why I'm willing to risk it all to be with you." I tightened my grip on him and buried my face in his shoulder. We stood together for awhile as if we were the only people in the world.

Finally, Frank pulled away and did that thing where he looked into my eyes, but deeper.

"I won't let you go this easily." He promised me, "I'm going to fix this."
He shook his head ad looked into my eyes before he pulled me over for a kiss. He pulled away and I could see him begin to dissolve into smoke before my eyes.

"Frank!" I yelled before he vanished. I watched him fly through my window and vanish. My heart fell in my chest.

"...Gerard..." Pete called out quietly.

I turned. He was sitting next to the other demon, Ray, who was beginning to wake up. Pete looked confused and a bit terrified. Nearly exactly what I felt. If I could explain it, just reversed.

"What do we do?" He asked.

"There's nothing to do..." Ray spoke up, "demons don't give up easy..."

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