- Chapter 16 -

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Blonde hair. Blue dress. Glass slippers. Sound familiar? Cinderella. The most famous princess around. Everyone knows the story about how she was treated horribly by her stepmother and stepsisters, and one day her fairy godmother changed everything.

I lived my life in peace after that. I spent many years with Gregory in Wesbrook, but soon we got bored. We decided to travel around the world. We went to many different places.

My mother had been let out of prison the year I left the orphanage, but I didn't care. I wasn't going back for her. I was no longer her daughter. One night I was staring out of the window thinking about everything that happened with her.

"Are you alright dear?" Gregory said as he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and put his chin on my head. "I'm thinking about them," I answered.

He sighed. "You are not your mother. You are not your sister. You are your own person," I smiled a little. "I know. You tell me this all the time," He laughed. "Only because it's true,"

We stared out of the window for a while until he said, "Who are you?" I smiled as I looked at myself in the reflection of the window.

I remembered all of the times I felt overshadowed by my sister. All of the times my mother treated me like a child. All the times I was told I was evil because of the things my mother made me do.

This was the last time I would feel that Drizella was better. The last time my mother made me feel weak. The last time I was made to feel evil. This was the last time I would ever be a Tremaine. The last time.

"I'm Anastasia," I said. "Just Anastasia," Gregory smiled and turned me to face him. "Anastasia," he whispered. I smiled up at him. At that moment I realized that I did it.

I did something that I had wished I could do for a long time. Ever since I was a little girl I wished for this. I read about it, I heard about it, and I even saw my own step sister get it.

I finally got my happily ever after.

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