- Chapter 1 -

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Blonde hair. Blue dress. Glass slippers. Sound familiar? Cinderella. The most famous princess around. Everyone knows the story about how she was treated horribly by her stepmother and stepsisters, and one day her fairy godmother changed everything.

Cinderella goes to the ball, runs away at midnight, gets chased, people try on the shoe, blah blah blah. You know the story. But what you might not know is what happened after.

Hi. My name's Anastasia Tremaine. Yep! That's right! I'm one of the "evil" stepsisters. I admit that my older sister Drizella and I were quite rude to Ella, along with my mother, but I don't think we are evil.

Ella's story ends when she gets married to Prince Kit Charming and lives happily ever after, but that is where my story begins. "Oh my dear. Off to finishing school. It feels like just yesterday you were crying to be fed!" said my mother, wiping tears off of her face.

Drizella was off to finishing school. This was where she would learn the final steps of becoming a proper lady. "I guess I'll miss you," I said, hugging her with an annoyed look. My sister and I never really got along.

After my mother cried her eyes out, Drizella hopped into her carriage and rode away to finishing school. "Finally," I said, rolling my eyes. "She's gone," Soon after Drizella had left there was a loud knock on our front door.

My mother opened the door to see the grand duke standing with two guards on the front porch. "What is the meaning of this?" my mother said, astonished and confused. The grand duke cleared his throat and pulled out a scroll. Opening it he read aloud, "Prince Kit Charming has sentenced you to two years in prison for child abuse,"

My mother's jaw dropped open. "Two years?! For forgetting to feed her once or twice? This is ridiculous!" I was in my room when I heard the commotion coming from downstairs.

I walked down the stairs to see my mother being dragged out of the front door by two guards with the grand duke following closely behind. "Hey!" I shouted. "What is going on?!" I ran out of the door and caught up with the grand duke as my mother was put in the carriage parked in front of the house.

"Your mother is being arrested for two years," he answered quite unenthusiastically. "Two years?! For what?!" I shouted. "Child abuse," he said, in the same unenthusiastic tone. I was far too startled to speak.

"If you have nothing else to say, I must be on my way. I have much to do," he said, starting to turn away. "Wait!" I said. "Where will I go? Drizella has gone off to finishing school! I am too young to live alone!"

He looked me up and down. "Hmm. Yes. You will be sent to an orphanage in a town not far away. Pack your things. You leave in the morning," With that, he hopped on the carriage and left.

Now I know what you're thinking. This is all going by so fast! Well, yes, I agree. At first I was standing on my front lawn saying goodbye to my sister as she went off to finishing school, and now I was standing on my front lawn wishing I could have said goodbye to my mother.

I walked inside the house and went to my room. I sat on my bed. An orphanage! I thought. It better not be like the ones in mother's stories. They were filthy and the children looked so... poor! I grabbed my trunk and started packing my most valuable dresses and jewelry.

I picked up my favorite necklace. It was a necklace made out of venetian glass that my mother gave me. Drizella also has one. I held the sparkling necklace in my hand and stared at it.

I can't believe I couldn't say goodbye, I thought as I carefully placed the necklace in my trunk. I changed into my nightgown and laid in my bed. It would be the last time I would ever lay in my beautiful bed. The last time I would stare at my gorgeous wooden ceiling. The last time I would ever be in my room. 

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