- Chapter 12 -

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"WHAT?!" I shouted. "He was adopted the day before you left, dear," I turned around and Directress Jewel was standing behind me. "The poor dear wanted to decline the offer,"

Tears started spilling out of my eyes. "He can't be gone! I didn't even get to say goodbye!" I sobbed. Directress Jewel put a hand on my shoulder. "The train leaves at nine. You have ten minutes until it arrives and five before it leaves.,"

I looked up at her. She never seemed interested in the problems of the children here, but she was smiling. It seemed she really wanted to help. "Go get him," she whispered.

I ran out of the door and down the steps. Everything made sense now. Why he was so pale, what he wanted to say to me, and why he never said goodbye.

I ran through the town as fast as I could. I knocked into several people, but I didn't have time to apologize. It normally took me twenty minutes to get from the orphanage to the train station. I didn't have twenty minutes.

I passed carriages and stands and they all passed by in a blur. I saw the bridge coming up and knew I was close. As I was running along the path I heard a train whistle. The train arrived.

I thought about all of the good times Gregory and I had together. All of the laughs and smiles. All of the tears and doubts. All of the love we had for each other. I couldn't let it all go to waste.

I needed to say goodbye. Even if I couldn't stop him from leaving, I needed to at least say goodbye. I thought about everything we had given up for each other.

I thought about our quarrels. About the times we would gossip. The times we talked about our childhoods. I thought about how he would always listen to what I had to say.

I pictured his beautiful green eyes, his brown, curly hair, and his sharp jawline. I wanted nothing more than to hold him in my arms. I just wanted to see him.

My hair whipped past my face as I ran. My dress, flowing behind me. I finally made it to the train station. I looked around and saw that Gregory was not there. He must be on the train.

I couldn't get on the train without a ticket, so I went to the ticket stand. "Is there a way I can get on the train? Just to say goodbye to someone?" I asked. The guy at the stand shook his head. "Sorry dear,"

I turned around and looked at the train. "When does it leave?" "In 3 minutes" I ran up to the train and looked through the windows. "Gregory!" I yelled. I moved from window to window and from cart to cart.

"Gregory!" I yelled for the hundredth time. A little girl looked up from her seat. "What is that girl yelling?" she asked her mother. "It seems she is yelling, 'Gregory'," the woman answered.

I saw a head perk up at the sound of the name. "Gregory!" I shouted once more. The person who's head perked up stood and walked over to the window. When the person was close enough to see I saw who it was.

It was Gregory. "Come out here! The train leaves in a minute!" I shouted. He started to run to the door, but a conductor stopped him. The train started to slowly move. Gregory ran back and opened the window.

"I will find you Anastasia!" he shouted. I walked along with the train. "I'll find you too!" "I love you," he said. The train started to go faster and I ran after it with tears running down my face.

I couldn't run any longer and slowed to a stop. I heard Gregory yell and he stuck his hand out the window and dropped something. I ran over and knelt on the ground to see what he had dropped.

It was a necklace with a rusted gold chain and an emerald trapped in a cage. It was his necklace.

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