- Chapter 4 -

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I sat down at the lunch table. It was my 5th day at the orphanage, and I started to get the hang of things. What I was not getting the hang of was being in love. I tried everything to not make it obvious, but it was so hard.

Every time I tried to talk to him I would stutter and he would catch me staring at him when he wasn't looking. I was sure he knew I loved him, but did he love me back?

I was waiting for Gregory to come out from the restroom when I saw a group of girls whispering at another table while glancing at me. Soon, one of the girls stood up and walked over to me.

She sat in front of me. "You're Anastasia Tremaine, right?" she said. I watched as her friends stared at us. "Yes," "So you're one of the evil step sisters?" My stomach did a flip. There they were again. The words evil step sister.

"We're not evil," I said coldly. She scoffed and said, "You were so rude to Ella! Especially your mother. Aren't you ashamed?" Ashamed? I looked down at my hands. "You guys are definitely evil," she said and walked back to her table.

She was right. We were incredibly rude to Ella. How could I think we were not evil? We were! We were so evil! Especially my mother. I didn't want people to think I was evil for things my mother made me do.

I never would have been so rude to Ella if my mother didn't convince me that she deserved it. I wanted people to forget who I was. I didn't want to be a Tremaine anymore. I didn't want to be associated with my mother anymore.

"You okay?" Gregory asked as he sat down in front of me. I looked at the girls who were sitting behind him. They were laughing and pointing at me. I stood up and walked out of the room.

I wouldn't let those stupid girls see me cry. I got to my room and unlocked the door. I slammed it and the tears started to spill out. I sat on the bed and buried my head in my hands.

I wished I wasn't a Tremaine. I heard a knock at the door. "Go away!" I yelled through my hands. "Please just let me in!" Gregory yelled. I stood up and opened the door, the tears still streaming down my face.

"What happened?" he asked, his green eyes showing concern. "I'm a Tremaine! That's what happened!" I yelled walking towards the window. Gregory walked in, shutting the door behind him.

"Don't listen to them! Whatever they said, it's not true!" he said. "It is true! Drizella and I are the evil step sisters and my mother is the evil stepmother! I'm ashamed to have her as my mother!" I shouted.

"You are not your mother! You don't have to be a Tremaine!" he shouted back. I knew he was trying to help, but it seemed like he just didn't understand. "I am a Tremaine though! It's who I am!" "No! It's not! You just have to look deep inside yourself and ask, 'Who am I?'" he was looking at me, his green eyes dancing with sorrow.

I stared into his eyes, tears still spilling out of mine. "Who are you?" he asked, his voice calming into a whisper. "I'm Anastasia Tremaine," I said. He walked closer to me, shaking his head. "Who are you?"

I was confused. "Anastasia Tremaine," He opened his mouth to say more, but Directress Jewel walked in. "Is everything alright?" she said. "I heard there was drama in the cafeteria.

"Yes," I said, wiping tears from my eyes. "I'm fine" She nodded slightly and closed the door as she left. I looked back at Gregory. I stared into his green eyes. I wanted to kiss him so badly at that moment, but I knew I shouldn't.

"I should go," he said. With that he walked out, closing the door behind him. 

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