- Chapter 13 -

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Life without Gregory was hell. I missed him so much. I had to live my life remembering that I never got to properly say goodbye. I had to remember that I would probably never see him again.

After everything had happened, I spent most of my free time in my room sulking. I got another job at a fruit stand, and I worked there for five days of the week. I didn't get paid as much, but it was still a job.

Every time I had to go to the train station to pick up a shipment I wanted to cry and run away. The man at the ticket counter gave me a look of sympathy every time I walked by.

Gregory had gone to a small town called Wesbrook. The map at the orphanage says that Wesbrook is not that far outside of our small town, but every time I looked out into the distance I only see mountains.

I wore the necklace Gregory gave me all the time. Every time I missed him I would just hold the necklace and wish that I would see him again. I told myself that I would never stop looking.

The children at the orphanage tried to cheer me up with games and jokes, and I tried to act happy around them, but I knew Directress Jewel could see right through me.

Directress Jewel was always trying to help me feel better, which I thought was odd. Like I said before, she never liked to help the children, but it seemed she really cared for me.

When I wasn't working, sulking, or trying to be cheered up, I was on the roof. I would look out at the town for hours. I would sit there and think of all of the things Gregory and I used to do up here.

We used to play tag, talk about our feelings, and tell each other jokes. Our jokes were really bad, but they still made us laugh.

Sometimes, we would just sit in silence and watch the sunset. Every time I would catch a glance of him, he was always looking at me.

I stared out into the water as all of these thoughts came to me. I leaned on the railing of the bridge, the cool wind blowing my hair and dress.

I looked out at the beautiful sunset, which was reflecting on the water. I wished Gregory was here to share the moment. I looked beside me to where I wished he would be standing.

Tears came to my eyes as I looked and saw he was not there. No one was there. Not Drizella, not my mother, not Ella, not Gregory. No one. I was officially alone. Tears started to run down my face as I faced the fact that I was alone.

I cried and cried for what seemed like hours. The sun had gone down and so had I. I was sitting with my back leaning against the railing when I heard footsteps coming from the darkness.

I saw Directress Jewel come over and sit next to me. She didn't say anything, just held her arms out and I gladly took them. I lay in her embrace for who knows how long.

I realized I was not alone. I had Directress Jewel and the other kids at the orphanage who were trying to help. They always tried to help, and I didn't want to be sad anymore.

I knew I would always miss Gregory, but I couldn't let that horrible moment in my life take over me. I was going to be happy again. And I made a promise to myself. A promise that I knew I might not keep.

I promised that I would find Gregory. I promised that I would look forever because I loved him. I had to find him.

I promised.

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