- Chapter 11 -

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I opened my eyes and immediately sat up. I looked around and smiled, remembering where I was. I got up and quickly got ready. When I went downstairs there was a large breakfast waiting for me.

"Good morning!" Drizella said. "I didn't know you could cook," I said mockingly. She rolled her eyes and laughed. "Yeah. I can cook," I sat down and we ate breakfast together.

We talked about the good times we had as children, and all the fun things we used to do. At one point, Drizella went to the restroom and I was left alone.

We were going to go for a walk in the woods that day. I loved taking walks in the woods. As I was thinking about the walk we would have, Gregory came into my mind once again. I couldn't get him out of it.

I puzzled and puzzled about everything that had happened the last time I saw him, but I couldn't think of a reason he would let me leave without saying goodbye. Maybe it had something to do with what he wanted to tell me.

Drizella and I walked out of the house together and started walking on a dirt path that led into the woods. On the walk we talked about the people we met on our time apart. I talked about the children at the orphanage and the mystery woman.

We stayed out until it was dark. We got home around eight o'clock. I was locking the front door when Drizella said, "You know I've been thinking," I turned around. "About what?" I asked.

"About you. I was thinking..." she trailed off. I watched her carefully. "That I could become your legal guardian. That way you wouldn't have to live in the orphanage anymore!"

My eyes widened. I couldn't leave the orphanage behind. I just couldn't! "Thank you for the kind offer, sister, but I have to go back," Her eyes seemed to darken.

"You want to go back to that filthy place, with its filthy clothes, and the filthy children?" she asked. "Don't call the children filthy," I said, trying to keep my voice level. I was getting annoyed.

"That orphanage changed you for the worse! The Anastasia I know would cry if she had to go back there!" Drizella shouted. "That Anastasia is gone! I got rid of her two months ago! If you want her back then you are two months too late!" I shouted back.

"When I finally come to see you, and I've done everything to make you happy, you still choose that awful place over me!" she said. "This has nothing to do with you, Drizella! I can't leave all of my friends behind!"

Her eyes darkened even more. "Oh, I see. You can't leave that filthy boy behind!" she shouted. I had no idea what came over me. Hearing someone talk about Gregory like that made me furious.

I slapped her in the face. "Don't call him filthy! Gregory is a kind and caring person, unlike you, who will be rude and selfish her whole life! I'm leaving!" And with that I walked up the stairs and went to my room.

I packed my things and changed into one of my outfits from the orphanage. When I came downstairs Drizella was sitting on the couch staring at the floor. I glared at her and walked out the front door.

Walking the whole way back was difficult, especially in the dark, but if I had asked to borrow her carriage it would have ruined the whole effect.

I had stopped to sleep on the way and got back to walking in the morning. When I finally reached the orphanage I walked in and Directress Jewel was standing right by the door.

"Back so soon?" she said, with a hint of sorrow and understanding in her eyes. I nodded and went to my room. I put my stuff down and went to breakfast. I was starving. I looked around for Gregory, but he wasn't there.

I walked up to one of the girls. "Where's Gregory?" I asked. She looked up at me with a sad look. "You missed him. He left with his new parents about ten minutes ago,"

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